Angelic Power

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Sebastian's Second Sister

Chapter 7: Angelic Power

••• Violet's point of view•••

I've been hiding in my room for a while now. . . about 16 days. I was glad to have an adjoining bathroom. Sebastian no longer cares and has been focusing on his plans instead of me. He has turned cold and unresponsive. I could die in here and he wouldn't notice a thing. If it weren't for Jace leaving food outside my door I would have died by now.

I was beggining to get bored of the same setting. I checked the time: 5:37. Sebastian and Jace would've left a while ago, I should be safe to go out.
I took my knife away from barring the door and slid it into its sheath. I cautiously made my way out the room and into the hallway. I crept along making my way past his door. It was wide open and I looked in. Sebastian was there. He was sitting on his bed with his back to me. He was slouched over. I listened closely and heard his sobs. Why was he home so early? Did something happen?

I saw that he was shirtless but it didn't phase me. The mirror in the corner of the room was cracked as if something had hit it. I looked closer at his back. There were jagged white lines stretching from the top of his spine to the bottom. Scars. His sobs became louder and I couldn't help but rush to him.
I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and closed my eyes. I didn't expect him to return the favor by hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry." Sebastian sobbed into my shoulder.
I just hugged him in reply. My hands ran down his back, I could feel the rises of the scars. The sense of company was pleasurable, it has been a while since I felt that.
I know I was going to regret forgiving him but I was not one for keeping grudges.

"Its ok," I reassured him, I opened my eyes and pulled away slightly.
I looked into his dark eyes that I had grown to love. Sebastian's pale hair was pushed back and his cheeks were wet. I wiped them with my sleeve and smiled.
He didn't return the smile though.

"What's wrong?" I asked, there had to be a lot of things on his mind.
He shook his head in disdain. "Your sister is here."

I was confused. "What do you mean here? Like in the apartment here? Why would she be here?"
I got off of him and sat beside him.

"Yes, she's here in the apartment. She has joined in with the plan, she is down the hallway."

I pushed up off of the bed and ran to the door. I looked back at his saddened face before running down the hallway. I burst into a room and saw Clary sitting on the black wood bed. I closed the door quickly so no-one would interrupt us.
"Clary!" I ran and hugged her.

"Violet what are you doing here?" She asked in shock.
My heart beat faster as I thought of a way to avoid the question.
The door swung open slowly, and Jace looked down at us from the doorway.

"Hey," he said. His hands were in plain sight now, and he was wearing a soft-looking sweater the color of bronze that brought out the gold in his eyes.

Clary smiled."What's up?"

Jace grinned. It was a wicked grin, the kind that made my blood run faster, I'm sure Clary felt it too.
"You want to go on a date?"

"Really?" Clary asked.

Jace nodded. Clary looked at me unsure.
"We'll finish this later okay Violet?" 

I nodded.

Jace held his hand out for Clary. "You look gorgeous," he said. "Lets go."

She took his hand acceptingly, and they left.
I walked back to my room disappointed at the small conversation I got out of my sister. It was late now and I was tired, I dont know how I was tired, I hardly did anything today.

Sebastian was in the doorway, In the short time I had left him he had managed to put on a thin white singlet. It hung loosely off of him making him look even more skinnier.

"Can I sleep with you? I don't want to be alone." Sebastian sounded just like a scared child and that made me pity him.


I closed the door behind us. Sebastian pulled the covers back, I crawled in with him. There was no space between us as his chest pushed into my back. The sheets covering us were warm and that made up for Sebastian's lack of body warmth. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Is this ok?" His soft velvety voice echoed in my ear.
I nodded not wanting my voice to interrupt the moment.
I simply melted into him like two puzzle pieces being fitted together. His arms gave me a sense of security, for the moment I knew I was safe. My eyes shut with a small smile on my face. The feeling of his skin against mine relaxed me and I soon drifted off to sleep.

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