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Sebastian's Second Sister part 41


••• Violet's point of view •••

Kyle threw his arms up into the air dramatically as if to showcase something.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian asked gritting his teeth.

Kyle had gone silent occasionally in the last three years - no calls, no texts, nothing- he turned up unexpectedly; now and then.

Kyle grinned like a maniac. "I wanted to see these two little cherubs- with Kirsty." What... I had surely thought he was joking about the Kirsty part. There was footfall from behind me, I turned around to see Kirsty idling in the doorway.

She was hesitant to walk in. "Um, may I come in?" She was quiet and her voice sounded shy compared to Kyle's large voice.

I nodded and ushered her into the room. She took a glance towards Sebastian, no recognition showing on her face, only a small hint of appreciation- which confused me.

Kirsty edged into the room a bit more her movements slow and cautious, she was taller now, her features a had slight sign of aging. Her brown hair was a lighter shade of brown now, it looked almost golden in the sunlight, her eyes had been drained of something.

A smile accompanied her flawless features; the smile was genuine and happy, I hadn't seen her since... Sebastian killed Theo and she saw, but she looked happier now than the memories I had of her in the past.

A sound came from behind her- the front door was left open and I was ready to whip out my knife and take on a demon.

Instead a little girl peeked her head around the corner. She slowly ran to Kirsty and held her hand. "Oh, and this is our daughter Miley." Kyle added, he whispered something I couldn't hear to Kirsty and went rushing out of the apartment.

Caspar's eyes lit up with delight when he saw another child that looked around the same age as him. I noticed Livvy was shyly looking away- he didn't get on well with new people. The girl had bright pink fluorescent hair, it was completely out of place. The rest of her features related to her mother or Kyle though- her hazel eyes had a dark ring of brown around them, small flecks of gold resided in the centre of her irises.

Her small delicate face had some freckles. It was as pale as Kyle's face, with the slight blush that he held whenever he was unsure of something. She hid behind Kirsty just as Livius did when I was out in public with him.

"Miley, you want to say hi?" Kisty asked her daughter. I smiled to seem less intimidating to the small child. Sebastian had taken the boys off the stools and placed them on their own two feet, Caspar ran up to Kirsty and began chatting away.

Livius came and stood next to me. "Mommy?"

My eyes adverted down to him, "Yes?" he twiddled his fingers, his grey eyes rested on Miley.

"How do you make friends?" He asked, his sad face was soft and calm. He was trembling slightly.

I ruffled his hair. "Just be you." I sent him a reassuring smile hoping he would be himself, he was a special boy- Livvy- he was shy and he had trouble trusting people that he isn't used to.

Kyle walked back into the apartment- he finally shut the door behind him- a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could relax a bit more. A small boy looking a bit older than their other child was held in his arms.

You thought Caspar was happy before? Well I swear I saw fireworks going off in his eyes. The boy in Kyle's arms had straight dark brown hair that fluffed up at the front. His eyes were a mix between the leaves in fall and spring. They had a bright shine to them- a large smile plastered on his small face as he looked around the room.

Kyle placed the boy on the ground. "And this is Albert," he said with a final wave over his children.

When did Kyle and Kirsty get together? When did they have these children, do any of them know about the shadow world?

Albert and Caspar ran to meet each other, it was like they already knew each other- they were friends in an instant. Soon they were running in and out of rooms playing 'tag'.

Kirsty introduced Miley to Livius, they shied away from one another- unsure of everything. They soon got over the differences in them and went to read a book in the corner.

With the kids occupied; Sebastian, Kyle, Kirsty and I sat down at the island with a coffee each.

I was unsure as what to say, I looked to Sebastian to start the conversation, it was hard to when neither of us knew wether Kirsty knew about the shadow world. I played it safe and stuck to a simple conversation. "You're kids are lovely." I complimented them.

A small diamond ring glinted off of Kirsty's hand, she was either engaged to Kyle or Married to him. Kirsty smiled and looked down quietly.

"Thank you," Kyle said slowly, breaking the silence once again. "Don't mind Miley's hair, she's a warlock."


Sorry for the small chapter, I've- had some problems lately, not been feeling well. Not been feeling quite myself. Another chapter is coming shortly. Thank you's xx



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