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Sebastian's Second Sister part 25


••• Violet's point of view •••

I did Kirsty's makeup for the concert, which happened to be in half an hour. And must I say, she looked pretty. I was actually jealous, she could pull the most distorted face and still look like a normal human. Whereas, I would look like a walrus with clown makeup on and a knife down my throat.

Nice imagery used there, now I'm going to have worse nightmares than Kyle killing me. I was wearing a short black dress with my knee high boots. I had my stele in one and my seraph blade hidden in the other boot. My hair was slightly curled at the ends for the occasion. I usually had naturally flat hair which made me different from my sister and mother- who's hair curled like a tornado.

Ok maybe I am being a bit melodramatic there, maybe just a wee bit.

"Violet, stop taking so long! Seriously some mundanes will get better views than us, I don't want to use my seraph blade on them!"

I walked out of the the bathroom and looked around for Kirsty. "She's in the car already." Kyle read my mind.

I raised an eyebrow, I had to ask him wether my suspicions about him liking her were true. Now wasn't the time. "Does she know about us?"

He slapped my arm weakly."Gee Violet, we're not dating yet!"

I rolled my eyes, he obviously got the question he just decided to make a joke of it.

"No." He became all serious in about a second. "I can't tell her, the clave..."

I understood, stupid clave rules. It keeps the mundanes safe in a sense, them not knowing about shadowhunters. It keeps us alive and not being cut down at our knees by the ones we protect.

Wow, now I'm staring to understand.

"Lets go." I said before I could go deeper into thought.

* * *

Turns out the concert was actually a orchestra playing in the park. Kyle had read the poster wrong. Well at least they were playing Hans Zimmer's songs. Epic Dude. Epic music.

Couples were spread out on the grass, the only light coming from the stage and the moon. The moon looked sadly down on us, hanging in the sky, as the stars around it came near, but not enough to comfort the lonely moon.

We sat on the cooling grass. Our three shadows cast upon it like claw scratches running down a perfect-dark canvas.

The music flowed through our bodies- beating in time with our hearts, which seemed to quicken when the beat escalated.

Kirsty lay her head on Kyle's lap sleepily. She stared up at the luminous stars for a moment before dozing off. I wondered how she was able to sleep with Pirates Of The Caribbean playing in the background.

Kyle smiled down at the girl in his lap. His face softened to a degree that I can't explain. Kyle stroked her hair with the back of his hand, his moves were slow and cautious.

Love shone in his eyes. I was aware of the empty space beside me, I know what I wanted, just it wouldn't be there. I longed for a hand to cover mine, for a shoulder to lean into, for some sense of security from being held. I longed for the boy that I could never have. It pierced my heart everyday, they say it's not love if you are in pain. Well if he were here then I wouldn't be in pain would I?

It wouldn't have worked out though. I lie to myself too many times. I can reach out all I want yet there will be no one to grab onto. There is nobody waiting at the end of the corridor, for it was as empty as my heart.

I was seriously like Romeo right now, all emo with my feelings. He just can't get over Rosaline, he can't move on. Then Juliet comes along and BAM! his heart is fixed. Then he has to go through the pain with loosing her too. Not for long I guess because he killed himself, maybe he did it because he knew he had her on the other side, so he wouldn't be alone.

I'm so alone...

* * *

We arrived home not long after midnight. We bustled in the door, using the last of our energy to move throughout the house. Kirsty just flopped onto the couch and lay there as if to never move again.

Kyle let out a small laugh and walked into his room.

I should get this makeup off my face before I sleep, because I will look like a panda in the morning if I didn't.

I walked towards the bathroom, I opened the door and switched on the light.

I let out a loud scream.

"Hey Vi."

I shook my head in defiance. No. It wasn't possible.


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