The One With The Morgue

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"And the shivers move down my shoulder blades in double time"

Lily and Loki walk briskly into the morgue, stopping when they reach room 324

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Lily and Loki walk briskly into the morgue, stopping when they reach room 324. Lily swings it the heavy white door open.

"Finn!" she yells, as a puzzled Loki walks in behind her observing his surroundings.

A loud bang could be heard and a loud "shit" could be heard in the adjoined room.

A man raced out, no older than 25 with short brown hair with puppy dog eyes, and said eyes light up when they saw Lily.

"LILLLYYYY," he said dramatically, wrapping his thin arms around the blonde.

Lily laughed before patting him on the back awkwardly.

Loki looked at the man. His hair was very messy, which was frowned upon in Asgard. He had a navy jumper and jeans on with a lab coat and converse. He looked quite strange but it suited him.

Finn finally lets go of Lily and looked at Loki.

His face grew confused before realisation hit him.

"Y-you're L-Loki," he said his eyes widening in alarm.

Lily rolled her blue eyes before talking."Finn, we really don't have time for this, I'm using this microscope"

Finn nodded aimlessly his eyes remaining on Loki.

Loki walked over beside Lily and pulled out a chair, sitting beside her.

Finn gasped and sprinted over to Lily and put his arms around her.

"I don't know what spell you put on Lily but i can tell you this now. You are going to hell, double hockey sticks He-ll"

Lily grunted before pushing Finn off of her, Loki looking blankly at Finn, not impressed with Finn at all.

Finn continued to pester Lily until she pushed herself angrily away from the microscope.

"Finn, I am trying to work here"

"You brought the person who destroyed New York with you!"

"He's my friend, and he was under the control of a titan called Thanos. Loki didn't intentionally mean to harm anyone, Thanos did"

Loki looked at Lily in shock, unable to fathom how she knew that but then shrugged when he realised who he was talking about.

Finn looked at Lily to make sure she wasn't lying and then gasped looking at Loki before hugging him.

Loki let out a squeak and pushed him away. "I am so sorry Loki, you poor thing"

Loki nodded before looking at Lily.

Lily sorted into the microscope. "Finn's a hugger"

A few moments later Lily jumped out of her seat.

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