The One With The Jumper

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"How'm I supposed to die,

When there's only one way to live?"

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"Lily, wake up, L come on"

"Five more minutes Tony"

"Ehm excuse me i'm Loki, not your brother, and its brian on the phone."

"Brian? I don't know a Brian"

"Brian Lannigan, Detective Inspector in New York?"

"Billy? Ooo gimme"

Lily sat up and grabbed the phone out of Loki's hand.

"Its Lily. mmhmm, oh interesting , Loki and I will be there in 15"

Lily hung up the phone and tossed it at Loki who caught it effortlessly. 

She swung her legs out of the duvet and stretched her arms.

She walked towards her wardrobe.

"A letter arrived for me and Brandon was informed that only I could open it. We have to be at the station in 15"

Loki nods in confusion and stares at Lily.

Lily grabs out a pair of jeans and a sweater, turning to Loki, she gives him a look.

"What are you still doing here? I have to change and i cant do it in front of you" she says as she looks at Loki expectantly.

Loki blushes before walking out the door, scratching his newly cut hair. (HIS HAIR IS LIKE HOW IT WAS IN THE FIRST THOR FILM)

Lily quickly gets dressed and they both walk down stairs Loki grabbing both of their coats.

Steve was the only one awake and smiled at the pair before they quickly went out the door.

The harsh wind of New York slapped the pair of them as they walked quickly towards the station which was not far from the Tower.

Lily reached into her coat pockets and pulled out a packet of chewing gum.

"Want one"

Loki nodded and she took two and popped them into her mouth before tossing the raven haired the packet.

The pair played a quick game of 21 questions before reaching the station

They walk quickly towards Brian Lannigan's office.

On their way the pass Cian and Rachel.

"Oh hey freak" Rachel says nonchalantly as she glares at Lily.

"Oh and her freak boyfriend" Cian adds before they both snigger.

"Rachel. Cian. I wonder how your girlfriend will feel Cian when she finds out that you've been sleeping around with Rachel. "

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