Scavenger Hunt pt. 2

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Chapter 9

Scavenger Hunt pt. 2

Peyton's p.o.v

My breathing was hitched. I swear, I've never ran this fast in my life. Green leaves flashed blindly past my eyes as my chest heaved up and down and my feet pounded into the dirt. I never once looked back.

Behind me, I could hear excited cheers as people found the items on the lists. Me, on the other hand, I knew I was pretty close to finding something. When the voices eventually died out, and I figured I had ran enough, I stopped in my tracks.

I was in a clearing. A beautiful oak tree sat in the middle of moist, brown dirt and shrubs of plants. Panting, I collapsed to the ground, trying to catch my breath. I mean, seriously. Matt wasn't even on my team. Neither was Raphael, or Emily-rose. What was even the point of this game?

I figured that I could use this time to catch up on some well-earned sleep. I didn't know what exactly prompted this decision of mine. Honestly, I was pretty tierd, and so not in the mood to go looking around for rocks and crap.

I figured that after a reasonable amount of time had passed, I would just head back to camp.

Provided I knew the way back. .. I thought eerily. Consoling myself, I remembered how I had just ran in a straight line. It would be way easy, to get back to camp. Curling up under the oak tree, I closed my eyes. The cool feeling of the wind was like a lullaby to me. The swaying of the leaves was the melody. All very soothing.

Not completely asleep, my thoughts drifted to Raphael. Should I tell him about my tattoo? We hadn't really gotten much time to talk about my newly found identity.

As a freaking werewolf.

Okay, so, it was pretty hard to believe. Honestly, I would have believed I was like a weiro or something. Not a werewolf. Every time I even begin to think about it, this feeling starts bubbling up inside of me, making me feel all glowy and warm. Like I knew it all along.

Still. I knew I shouldn't feel this way. Any normal teenager would have called the freaking mental on herself, the moment she saw Raphael transform into a wolf...and it was, absolutely amazing. I sighed.

Raphael. Now that I was alone, I could freely think about him, cause he wouldn't be tuning into my mind. His musky, earthy smell, like natural spice. The way his emerald eyes glowed as he spoke and the feeling of his breath on my ear. I took my mind back to that night when we came back from Wolvenpraire.

Immediately, my cheeks flamed in humiliation. I was so sure he was gonna kiss me...but then, he just...walked away. My eyes burned as I thought back to the seductive glances Aleara always gave him. How she invited him to her place. While I was there.

Had she no courtesy? She was like the female version of Angela. A man-stealer.

Suddenly, a thought entered my mind. Wolves-like, natural, real, wolves, mated for life. Did that mean..I gasped, sitting up. What if...what if Raphael and Aleara were like...bethrothed? Quickly, I shook away the thought.

I can't be actually right. Could I? But, it was clear, that Aleara knew I was interested in Raphael...and she was trying to stake her claim. . .and really, what chance did I stand? She probably knew him her whole life. She was gorgeous.

I was just...peyton...and that was the bitter truth, werewolf, or no werewolf.

I settled back to sleep, again, resting my head against the roots of the branches. I curled into a ball, loving the sweet smell of the forest. It smelled like rain...and honey. Amazing. My breathing was now nice and even. There was peace.

I think I was even begining to doze off, when I was startled by a deep voice a few meteres away. My eyes snapped open. The voice was coming from the thicker part of the forest, outside of the clearing I was in.

I froze, sharpening my ears acutely. It could have been anyone. Someone I knew...but the voice was deep and compelling. Deep and familiar. Too familiar. It was a vampire's.

'How?! How could I have forgotten about them? Why did I stupidly come out here?!' I mentally cursed myself. Oh my god. This was it. I was gonna die.

"Yes, master. The plan is in effect." It hissed. Startled, I heard a deeper voice reply:

"The sseasons are changing. Soonn, we shall have all the unblossomed blood we desire." It chuckled. My heart-beat rose. Unblossomed. Unblossomed. My mind went back to the time Raphael had told me unblossomeds were what they called werewolves who had never shifted yet. Told me how vampires were especially attracted to unblossomed blood.

So, technically, I was an unblossomed. This, was not a comporting thought. The speech continued.

"Thaddeus and Victoria have set up entrees in wolvenpraire. What time should they attack?"

"Not too soon. I'll give the call. I have the perfect time in mind." Whispered the vampire, sending shivers up my spine. Slowly, and as quietly as I could, I stood up. Something was wrong here.

If I was right, and they were vampires, they should be able to smell my blood in the close proximity we were in. They should be attacking me right now.

I didn't wait to find out. Shaking like a volcano and trying to hold in a wave of sobs, I turned on my heels and sped out of the forest. Ohmygod,ohmygod,ohmygos. They shoul be chasing after me, but how would I escape?! I could never outrun a vampire! My feet pounded into the dirt as I sped past trees, shrubs, and thorns. I was running for my life.

Before, when I thought I had been running fast, clearly I didn't know my own strength. If I was running before, right now I was flying. My feet hardly touched the ground. I ignored the pain of my muscles grinding in extreme adrenaline. I ignored the fear in my heart that threatened to freeze my limbs and leave me as dinner.

I ignored it all, until I made it. Until I made it out of the forest. My cheeks were flushed as I collapsed onto my knees. It looked like the scavenger hunt was over. Quickly, ignoring questions of 'where were you Pey,' and 'Did you find anything' 'are you alright Peyton Clarke?'

I had to speak to one person. One person who could make me feel better. Either convince me of the power of my imagination, or protect me from what frightened me. I sped towards the male counsellor cabins, in search of Raphael.

If is was right, what I had heard in the forest was important, by now, I could feel the pain of my muscles. The burning of my arms. The wet tears running down my cheeks. My erratic heart. I ran up to the patio, before twisting the doorknob. To my surprise, it was open. Hurriedly, I bounded inside.

"Raphael-" I cried hoarsely, face flushed, before instantly turning pale. I felt the colour drain out of my face. I gasped, before running out of the room.

"Peyton-wait!" He called frantically, but I didn't. I couldn't face him. Not after what I had just seen. My limbs were shaking violently as I collapsed onto my bunk bed. Tears threatened to leak from my face.

It was true, wasn't it? I had just seen Raphael full-on making out-

With Aleara.

A/N : sigh. Not the best I've ever written. Still. I know whoever is reading this hates me. I had been on a two-month hiatus and I'm sOoooooo sorry. Had a severe case of exams and writer's block. Still, if you think my story is worth it, please vote. It would mean a lot to me. Like really, I'd feel like a billion dollar bill. Lol, I'm stupid.

Still, vote, comment, share! (Pretty please!! )

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