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A/N: Hey guys! I have entered the young writers short story competition and would really appreciate it if you guys voted for me! The story is called Rebellion and is in the paranormal section. Just click my profile....and yeah.


Chapter Seventeen


Peyton's p.o.v

I easily slipped out of my camouflaged converses before padding softly over to the bunk Emily-Rose and I shared. I was super tired, seeing as I hadn't slept at all. I was sure the bags under my eyes could easily be classified as suitcases now.

With a yawn, I quickly jumped into my soft, warm bed. I was about to pull the covers up, only someone's voice stopped me.

"Hey stranger." It said deeply from above. I froze, immediately thinking the worst. My heart rate picked up as millions of vampire faces flashed through my mind. Suddenly there was a thud. I gasped as a pair of legs suddenly appeared in front of me. I was afraid to look up, as the legs were long, thin and paper white.

"Shh it's just me." It hissed. That was when I looked up to see...Emily-Rose. Slowly, I let out the breath I had been holding. Emily's long, black hair hung loosely around her Asian face. She was dressed in a pink pajama top and shorts. My heartbeat slowly returned to its regular pace, as my eyes zeroed in on her smile.

" Where were you, Peyton Clarke?" she asked smugly, arms folded. I blinked slowly, pretending to be feeling groggy.

"What do you mean?" I asked huskily, and a little impatient. She rolled her eyes at me.

"I mean where did you sleep last night? Or did you sleep at all? I talked to Matt last night and he's been wondering the same thing. This isn't the first time your bed's been open.'' She hissed at me. This time, I rolled my eyes.

"What are you two, my parents?" I asked sarcastically. She scoffed.

"Nope; we're your friends...unless that word means nothingto you anymore.'' She spat harshly. I winced, realising how much that hurt. She was right...I had been avoiding my friends...but only to protect them, and maybe avoid their questions. Emily-Rose turned her back to me, and was about to go to bed, but I quickly stopped her.

I couldn't tell her about Wolvenpraire or the vampires; I had sworn an oath...but I could tell her about something else. I sighed. She stood by my bed, tapping her foot impatiently.

''Look, the reason why I've been so distant lately...why I've been out of because...'' I snapped my eyes shut, hating what I was about to say.

"Is because I'm in a relationship with Raphael.'' I whispered quickly. Emily-Rose did the expected. Her eyes widened slightly, before she placed her palms over her mouth. Letting out a little squeal, she began to jump up and down. Quickly, I shushed her, eyes darting around the room.

"Quiet Emily-Rose. You can't tell anyone.'' I hissed. She nodded.

''Of course not. Cross my heart and hope to die.''


Two hours later, outside was officially bright and camp was about to start. I let my bathrobe fall to the wooden floor of the bathroom. It wasn't in too bad of a condition; just a little...moldy. A cold draft seeping in through the roof made goosebumps rise on my skin. Outside of the bathroom, the other campers chattered in their high-pitched voices. Mostly Angela and her Angelettes.

I tried to listen. I almost laughed out loud. What they cared about...seemed so...trivialnow; but then, I probably cared about that stuff once before. I stepped into the shower, before pulling across the floral-painted curtain. I brushed a hand through my curls, wrapping my hair into a messy bun.

That was when I suddenly...gasped. My heartbeat sped up as I looked down at the wolf tattoo that had appeared on my arm the second day of camp. Funny how I'd forgotten about it up until now....but that wasn't what made me gasp. All along my ribcage...was a black-inked pattern, only stopping inches below my birthmark. I leaned against the wall, shocked beyond belief.

Where the hell had they come from?

The worst part was....I had no idea what they meant.

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