Flame Roses

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Dedicated to summerkaay! Because she just gave me a buncha votes...and well, I was happy:-)  Vote please!

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Flame Roses


                Analyzing Brustarios' shaken form, I couldn't hide a condescending smirk. Yes; siding with a werewolf wasn't such a bad idea after all. Especially one who wanted...revenge. Like the humans said...the enemy of my enemy....is my puppet to control. I hid a devious laugh. He didn't even know that he was being compelled....and of course...neither did she. What was the bitch's name again? Oh right. Aleara. After a little compulsion for Brus...he would go to gain strength from Aleara like we had instructed him to...by drinking her blood..and injecting our poison into her. I had to admit; Zauraus was a genius. My stony expression remained. No longer would I feel pain at the mention or thought of my former lover's death.

I had turned my humanity off days ago. How ironic that the predators of humans....weren't that different from them at all.

   I startled as a cold hand came to rest on my shoulder.

      Turning under our roof of stalactite, I looked up into the fiery-red eyes of my brother Thaddeus. His Onyx daylight-ring glowed on his middle-finger. It was identical to mine. Under Thaddeus' stoic expression, was a world of grief, I knew...but somehow I couldn't bring myself to care. Just like the surprisingly icy wind from the Deregu forests simply washed over my voluptuous frame.

     "Victoria, dear sister..." He began, turning to meet eyes with Brustarios. Brustarios' face was a mask of white fear. I smiled appreciatively at his Romanian accent.

     "I think Brustarios has a right to know." He offered gently, like a proposal. I scowled in protest.

   "Well, I do not, brother! He will do as he is told, and show some respect to the imperial, superior race! That is, the vampires, who have lived in subjection for so long! If he ever hopes for a place in our New World, he had better keep this in mind!" I hissed viciously. Brustarios' eyes widened further, but he tried to cover his fear.

    "Are you forgetting that you want me to kill my brother..are you forgetting that I was the one who brought you the hexed dagger that allowed you entry to Wolvenpraire? That has gotta count for something." He sputtered gaining some more confidence. I hissed in outrage at his boldness, before I was pulled back crom my lunge by Thaddeus.

     "Do not be so quick to anger, dear sister. Brustarios has a point. Do not worry; I shall not allow him to jeopardise our plans." Thaddeus assured me in his velvety tone. My anger dissipated. Thaddeus...I could tell he was thinking deviously.

      "Brustarios...here is all you need to know. We want to take over Wolvenpraire. To do this....we need to take down their strongest member, Raphael Ruiz Martez. . .and, he does have one weakness. Once we eliminate Peyton Clarke...Raphael Martez will be ours."

My brother did not tell him everything. My eyes narrowed in deep thought, as a smirk made its way up my lips.

I wanted revenge for the murder of my lover, Zauraus...and we still had to avenge Dimitri's death. I couldn't wait to sink my claws into her tiny, bony neck. I wanted to be the one to destroy her.


Peyton's P.O.V

          I froze as electric pain rippled through my lower back. For a minute or two, I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed with pain. Tears sprung to my eyes; and then, it was over. I let out a sigh of relief. That didn't mean that my fear was gone. I knew it had to be because of The Heat...which made me even more afraid. No one drilled me on any of this...I didn't know how to prepare for it...or even what to expect. All Faye had told me was something about my thoughts....for Raphael. I felt heat rush to my cheeks.

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