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Chapter One


   I was drowning in my own sweat, the stupid polo shirt on my back feeling like a sauna.

Let's be honest here-I really don't need any tanning, I'm already  black; my brown skin probably wouldn't get any darker. As I dragged my suitcase down the rickety bus  I thought I should point this out to those idiots.

Squinting, I gave my black suitcase a secure grip. 

  The stupid sun was hiding beneath this canopy of celestial giants but I still felt its presence in the beads of sweat rolling down my skin.

I had only just exited the tour bus.

Gritting my teeth in annoyance I stomped over the floorbed covered in moisturized grass- shining like some model from a Dove commercial. My eyes rove over the surrounding trees of Deregu rainforest. Or more like I rolled my eyes in an attempt to subtly express my anger and happened to take in a scene from The Lion King. I was surrounded by trees, trees and more trees. Where exactly was the forest part of all of this...bush? What happened to the beautiful lakes and waterfalls from Matt's brochure?

I think I was due a refund I did not sign up for this.

  My paranoia had increased by at least by twenty percent-the incessant chirping and buzzing of thousands of small birds and insects made me think they were all over my skin. The sound merged was an eerie one. My senses had heightened it seemed, as I encompassed the dewfall scent of the leaves and the rich musk of the woods. The smells of nature and rain pervaded my consciousness. 

The air seemed to crystallize before me.

As the rest of my classmates exited the bus, I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I was anywhere but here. I knew I was going to regret leaving home, but I had to get away. I had to get away from my parents and all of the lies

Biting my lip, I tried to  focus on the present but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened two days ago.

Everything I thought I knew simply wasn't true. I clenched my fists, feeling the anger course through my veins. My heart started to pump blood faster and so I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down. I still hadn't gotten over it.

I just wished they had told me before.

"Peyton, Peyton Clarke!" called Mr. Prepporito as he took register. I snapped back to reality and quickly let him know I was present.

What a bug that guy is.

He then began his lecture. His official teacher's 'Welcome-to-camp' lecture.

"Here we are students. Deregu Falls rainforest. California's rarest and most remote rainforest. Complete with non-stop bird-watching and Jaguar sighting, many of the forest's eight hundred and forty species will be on display at the canopy walkway-" he continued monotonously.

I  started to blank out his words, vision clouding over.

"Deregu Forest hosts some of the world's most pristine natural sights; what many consider to be the most scenic trip is to the Deregu of the world's most powerful waterfalls. Falling 176 feet..."

I grinned as the group let out a series of collective exclamations. Maybe this camp wouldn't be so bad after all. My grin soon left my lips as  a mosquito started buzzing around my ears. Damn, I had forgotten to bring the bug spray.

I smacked it and watched it wither away.

Preppy's speech dulled in my ears.

My eyes travelled over the delicate scenery-we were surrounded by luscious flora and fauna, it was really pretty. 

Guardian Angelwolf {In Editing}Where stories live. Discover now