Kidnapped II

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Guardian: Angelwolf

Chapter 13

Kidnapped part II

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Raphael's P.O.V

It was hard to breathe. I saw the terrified look in her eyes as she took off. The hesitancy before she did, and I knew I didn't have much time. A low growl protruded from my lips as I faced my enemy.

The hair on my arms and legs stuck up as my body became engulfed in the shift. The wolf. I let out a howl and quickly leaped upon him. I wasn't fast enough. I crashed into the dirt with a thud only to see through red, the pale vampire leering amusedly down at me.

I quickly got up and attacked again, but he was still too fast. His eyes turned red as his lips curved into a smirk. I watched him give me one last amused smirk, before he sped through the trees.

I didn't waste any time. My wolf's energy took over everything, my mind, my body, my soul. I raced back to camp. Peyton was going to be fine. They only took her as leverage. These thoughts consumed and reassured me as I ran, but somewhere at the back of mind crept up my deepest fears.

Vampires thrived upon an unblossomed werewolf's blood. I had to save Peyton.

The camp grounds were scanty and deserted, campers and counsellors alike tightly in bed. I let out a deep howl that echoed through the trees, still in my wolf form. I never imagined I would feel like this. I knew I felt something for her, but I never imagined this amount of pain.

If anything happened to Peyton...I didn't know if I could live with myself. Suddenly, the cabin doors burst open. Faye, Emily, Raven and Aleara ran out with bewildered expressions before zeroing in on me in the trees. Carlos and the others followed soon after.

As usual, they quickly shifted so we could link our minds. As soon as they were in wolf form, I spilled everything on them. The vampire attack on me and Peyton. After they'd gotten the necessary information, my pack stood frozen, waiting for my command.

This would be the first time werewolves would have to attack vampires in almost one thousand years. That is, an entire coven of vampires. I quickly decided to have Aleara and Raven run back to Wolvenpraire to warn everyone and protect the pack. Emily and Dylan would stay here in case they attacked the campers, and Carlos Faye and I would go after Peyton.

We didn't waste any time. Carlos, Faye and I tore through the forests following the deliberate trail left by the vampires. It was pretty clear that we were being led into a trap but what could we do?

We had to rescue Peyton. We ran swiftly through the forest, one goal in mind. The scent we were following was her distinct human and werewolf smell. The vampires hadn't bothered to try and hide their tracks.

We passed the tree with the Touche' Deregu Shife, insignia. We were getting closer to the waterfall. The rushing sound of water filled our hearing as well as the smell of damp grass, Peyton's scent and...the hairs on my back stood up. The deceased scent of vampires. I bared my teeth, a low growl emanating from my throat when I ran. Suddenly, Faye stopped us.

STOP. She mindlinked to us.

It was unusual for an Alpha to follow orders from his beta, but Faye was more than that. She was one of my closest friends. Carlos and I stopped dead in our tracks, just behind a couple of trees.

FAYE:We can't just march in there without a game plan,

Carlos:We don't exactly have an option

Raphael: there is always an option, we just don't have a lot of time. What do you have in mind Faye

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