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Chapter Twenty


Peyton's P.O.V

Something...something wasn't right. I felt dizzy and fainty...and so, so cold. I could feel something sharp and wet against my left cheek...but I couldn't see anything, my eyes were only half-open.

I could make out the fuzzy fading of an oak brown door. My lips twitched open, only to have me intake a large volume of water?!

I choked and gasped suddenly, realising it was hard to breathe. I felt cold and naked, but I would never know, because I couldn't bring myself to raise my head. What was wrong with me? I was so tierd, and so depressed.

I felt like I had been sleeping for a long time.

Lying still, in what my subconcious was telling me was a bathtub, with water up to my neck I suddenly became aware of a deep pounding on the bathroom door. Even that wasn't enough to make me raise my head. I felt water wash over my face. It wasn't was scary. Water went gushing into my nose and my mouth...over my eyes...and suddenly I-I couldn't breathe anymore.

Silently choking on water, I prayed for help before slowly, everything...everything disappeared. Everything else that existed only did in my subconcious. Icy water enveloping me, drowning me over. Slow rhythm of my heartbeat. The cold. The pounding of the door...that suddenly exploded with a loud shatter.

"Peyton! Peyton...oh shit!" A familiar voice exclaimed. I heard the rushing of footsteps..thudding over the bathroom tiles, sloshing in the low puddles I presumed covered the floor. I felt myself being levitated out of the water...being held in a pair of warm arms...before I touched cold tiles again.

It was different this time.

I could breathe.

Well sort of.

Hacking and sputtering, my eyes flashed open to see Raphael's face above mine...looking the most afraid, and worried I'd ever seen it. His golden face was now pale and he kept calling my name over and over again.

Sputtering I coughed out water all over myself, for about five minutes. I was briefly aware of the rushing flow of water that was coming from the shower head...suddenly coming to end. Shivering, I stopped coughing and stared into his eyes. His eyes were wide with cold fear, as he stepped away from me to hand me a towel, before wrapping me up and taking me into his arms.

I sighed at the warmth emanating from his body.

"What-what happened?" I asked hiccupping. He gave me a long, meaningful look, as he moved towards the shattered, broken bathroom door. I noticed that there were splinters of wood all over the bathroom tiles.

"You tell me." He breathed.


I fell asleep after that. I'm not sure for how long, and I'm not even sure I dreamt anything. All I remember is sinking into the warm comforter that was my bed here at camp, and falling asleep.

I'm assuming a long time, because when I woke up, it was twilight.

I noticed I'd been dressed in a pair of pink pajamas. I prayed silently that it wasn't Raphael who'd put them on.

So, there I was, wrapped up in my sheet and staring dazedly between my two friends at spring camp, Matt and Emily.

Emily was staring at me with a stricken look on her face, rosebud lips parted in slight horror. Her face was even paler than it normally was...and then there was Matt...who was giving me the same look mixed with an expression that seemed to say : 'I'm tryna figure out what the hell is wrong with you'. I shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to say.

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