A Plan

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Dedicated xxSinxx she made the cover on the side <3

Dedicated to immawerewolfangel for reading, voting and commenting :)

Please vote, fan, comment and the works!

A/N: wattpad has freaking pissed me off. Do you guys know how long ago I wrote this chapter? A week! A freaking week! And wattpad has not allowed me to post it til now. Ughhhh.


A Plan

I never waited for Raphael to come find me. I mean, why should I? There was nothing going on between us two except for the fact that I was extrememly attracted to him. Surprisingly, I actually thought he felt the same way. Now I know the only person he has feelings for...is Aleara.

I jumped out of bed and back outside. I didn't bother about the fact that my face was now smudgy with tears. So what? I had a legitimate excuse. Another encounter with vampires. At least, I was ninety percent sure they were vampires. Even though I never saw them, well I had to think about my safety first.

The camp grounds were deserted, it being after six in the evening and twilight approaching. The sky was now a gorgeous violet streaked with fire-red on the horizon. It made this whole experience seem surreal. . .and I loved it. Well, not loved vampires, but I loved the surreal feeling of this.

The only person I saw outside as I walked was Faye who seemed to be cleaning up lunch from a barbecue. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. You know, devout vegetarian and all. I knew she noticed me before I did her; she could probably smell me and sense my mind from a few feet away. The thought wasn't unnerving.

"Hi, Faye." I greeted nervously. Outside was really quiet. There were not even any birds chirping. She gushed up at me from her work.

"Hi, Peyton, what's up? Did you enjoy the scavenger hunt?" She asked, grinning. My eyes flashed with pain and guilt as I replied.

"Um. Faye, I didn't exactly DO the scavenger hunt. I sort of took a nap. In the forest." I informed her tentatively. I watched, pained as her features morphed into an expression of disbelief, and then compassion before settling on anger. She dropped her utensils.

"Peyton. " She hissed. "What were you thinking? What if something had happened to you? You know..." She hesitated before saying the last word that sent shivers down my spine. She scoffed.

"You know there are vampires out there." She reminded me. I sighed.

"I know, but...I forgot and, I wasn't thinking about them at all. I was thinking about the fact that...I was now a werewolf. One of you. Which is, pretty hard to process." I reminded her. She sighed before turning back to the compassionate Faye I knew.

"I know...it is a lot to take in, isn't it? Look...you can come to me you know. We're friends. If there's anything you need to know at all, I'll be happy to help." She said smiling. I smiled wanly.

"I know...but Faye, I-I need to tell you something else. Something I heard in the forest." I continued shakily. Her smile quickly dropped.

"What is it?" She asked anxiously. I hesitated.

"Can we go somewhere else? These burgers are making me nauseous." I announced. She quickly agreed, leading me over to a log near the outskirts of the forest. As we sat, I quickly told what I heard in the forest. I even allowed her to tune into my thoughts so she could experience it first hand. When it was over, she seemed jumpy. On edge.

"I'll admit it's strange. I mean, they could have easily come after you...but they didn't. We need to hold an angelwolf meeting. Something's definitely wrong here." She told me thoughtfully.

"For now, you just go to bed. I'll take the matter up with the Guardian Angels." She said, trying to comfort me. I raised my brows.

"I don't want to go to bed. Faye, I need to hear this." I protested. Faye looked reluctant.

"Peyton, there's nothing you can do to help....you-you're only an unblossomed. We're ...angelwolves." She reminded me gently. Still, I folded my arms.

"I don't care. I should be at this meeting. I'm the one who was there." I reminded her.

"Please, Faye. Just let me be there...I understand I can't help protect anyone...although, you'd be surprised. I'm the apparent 'bad-girl' at school. But still. Please." I begged. She sighed, finally caving.

"Okay, Peyton. Fine. You can come." She agreed sighing. With that, we headed in the direction of the Counsellor cabins.


At first, Raphael was furious. His green eyes flashed darkly as he reminded me of all the dangers I faced when I strayed away from camp. How could I have forgotten something so important? Despite myself, I began to feel guilty. What I had done, was pretty stupid. I mean, I had been attacked by Zauraus with Faye. I've been getting nightmares about him days after. I should have been more cautious.

Finally, though, Raphael calmed down.

To my utter surprise his eyes were back to being crystal clear as he and Faye spoke in rapid whispers. I was a bit confused, because I couldn't understand anything they were saying.

Seriously. They had telepathic powers. Use them, people.

Suddenly, Faye turned around to face me, with a knowing smile.

"It works stronger in wolf form. You can't understand us because your hearing isn't sensitive enough yet." She informed me. I blinked in shock.

"You just read my mind! Faye...seriously, don't do that.." I sputtered indignantly. I wasn't exactly angry at her, but I wasn't used to people hearing my thoughts. I would rather not actually. . .have people hear my thoughts. It was unnerving. Her eyes widened.

"Oops. Habit. I know you're an unblossomed, but you still remind me of a static and it's just so much fun to listen to their thoughts." She informed me. I rose my brows.

"You listen to people's thoughts without permission? Oh my god. That is so wrong!" I sputtered, an involuntary laugh escaping my throat. Faye sighed.

"We're used to it. Besides, it's not like you wouldn't do the same thing." She replied. I kept my mouth shut at this, knowing the temptation to read Angela's mind and spill all her secrets would be too hard to resist. Ah, hell.

The Guardian Angels, as they liked to call themselves, continued speaking in low whispers. We were inside the male counsellor cabins. The night had finally approached, a navy blue colour. I leaned against the wall closer to the door, occasionally glancing out the window.

My hands had goosebumps all along them, I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Another thing Raphael had told me...werewolves apparently didn't get cold. They had a natural body-heat that kept them high year-round. I was beginning to actually doubt what the ancient one had said.

Surely unblossomed experienced some of these superpowers, right?

After a while, the Guardian Angels stopped whispering and Raphael turned to face me. I began to mask my thoughts quickly, not thinking about him and Aleara kissing. Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits. Even though he assured me before, that he wouldn't read my mind without permission, still. I had to be sure.

He ran a hand through his thick hair, not meeting my eyes.

"We're gonna go to wolvenpraire again, since you have to meet the ancient one and swear your oath. While there, I'll tell you everything." He said hesitantly. Involuntarily my stomach began to fill with what I imagined to be carnivorous butterflies. I couldn't think straight.

"Oh, um ok-okay." I replied nervously. We were going to be alone. Again. Nope, I was soo not ready for this. With shaky knees I exited his cabin into the cold spring night. The grass glowed a neon blue. Or, maybe that was my imagination.

I felt like I was seeing everything in high definition, every curve and line the leaves on the trees made. Glittering diamonds on the grass, bends and waves in the air...I shook my head..and suddenly everything was back to normal. Still. What was that?

Guardian Angelwolf {In Editing}Where stories live. Discover now