The Aftermas

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Previously: Raphael's P.O.V

I watched her fall.

She looked dead.

A/N: So there's been a chapter mixup where I kept putting the wrong chapter number on a chapter. So really, this is chapter 16 and not 18.

Chapter  Sixteen

The Aftermas

    Peyton's P.O.V

     I listened to the horrifying screams as they pierced the air. My eyes involuntarily began to water. Oh my God. It was Raphael wasn't it? He was getting hurt.  I stood on the edge of the cliff, wind blowing harshly in my face. All I could see below were countless rubbles of rock, and further, the thick forests of Deregu.

      A little to the left was the clearing I knew so well-Deregu Falls. My heartbeat picked up. The screams had come from there-I was sure of it. Except-my heart dropped suddenly as alarm bells went off in my head. A patch of Deregu Forest-that was the waterfall-looked cloudy and sort of orange. With a startled gasp, I realised that Deregu Falls was on fire. Black smoke protruded the air from far below, bringing with it an acrid and pungent smell.

         Floating wisps of ash swam near my face. My heart was beating irregularly at this point now. There was one thought in my mind. Raphael was down there, Raphael was being hurt. I had to get to him. As ludicrous as it sounded in some part of my mind, the feeling was so strong. I barely knew Raphael. I-I couldn't love him-but here I was risking my neck.

      I began to run. I ran closer to the edge of the cliff, before stepping back cautiously as the distance was quite dizzying.  My heart still beat like a bass drum. I didn't know how I could reach him without plummeting to my death all the while. I glanced around me cautiously, at the green cliff spiked at a ninety degree angle. up here the grass was vibrant and glowing but down there-my head became dizzy again-all I could see was grey amongst the trees.

     I stepped forward-and that was when it happened. My heart felt literally caught in my throat as I lost my footing and felt rocks crumble beneath me. I gasped, waving my arms to the side, trying to catch my balance. It didn't work. My ankle twisted mid-air, before suddenly my body was off the cliff. All breathing was cut off as I suddenly fell, not even a scream could escape my lips as suddenly my arms and legs felt like metal. I was falling swiftly and fastly-my vision was filled with red dots.

So not being able to take it anymore, I blacked out.


       Everything was still. Everything was quiet. I could see nothing, I could hear nothing. I felt like I was pitched inside a black obsidian void. I couldn't remember my name, my age where I was-when suddenly it all came back to me. My name was Peyton Clarke. I was sixteen years old. I had just fallen off a cliff. Was I-was I dead? A horrifying feeling washed over me. Oh my God.

     Had I actually died? My heart began to beat rapidly, I could feel the rhythm vibrating through my body. Oh my goodness-I was dead, wasn't I? I never even got to Raphael-wait a minute. My heart. It was beating. Which meant, I was still.....alive?

Slowly, my senses came back to me. I felt a strong pair of arms around my body. Warm arms. My body felt levitated. I could feel the familiar feeling of butterflies swarming around my insides.

     Then my sound came back to me. I could hear a rushing waterfall in the distance. The songs of birds. The rustling of leaves in the trees, before finally, I heard voices.

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