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Chapter Twenty-Three

Peyton's p.o.v

      All I'll ever be is a girl. No one told me that life could ever be so confusing. I was never taught to believe that any of this was ever real, werewolves, shapeshifters...vampires....and now here I was finding out that I was some mixed breed of werewolf -Kitsune. I closed my eyes tightly as I followed Raphael out of the main building. Elder Woodruff's story was still stuck in my mind.

     I didn't want to cry again. I couldn't. Despite it all, I couldn't escape the sense of betrayl -of hurt that I felt. Both sets of my parents were enemies-yet, in the end Auroura managed to put all of that behind her-for the sake of a child. Me. When you came down to it-weren't we all human?

     "Oh, shit it's raining." Raphael announced to me, just as soon as the gatekeeper locked us out. I shuddered slightly at the sudden cold and thunderous sound of marbles hitting the roof. A very silvery mist seemed to settle over Wolvenpraire, the wash of the rain enhancing the greenery around us, making all the trees and grass look lush and pretty under the night sky. Whatever. I thought it was beautiful. Raphael seemed to be unconscious of the fact that he was gripping my hand tightly, slightly shoving me under the little bit of roof we had. I shuddered again.

     "And that's why it's called a rainforest." I joked, as goosebumps rose on my arms. Raphael smirked at me before he slowly took his hand from around mine.

    "Wait one second, " He breathed. Before I could ask, suddenly he was shrugging off his red hoodie .

   "Raphael, don't be silly," I protested and then suddenly he was in a black cling-to-skin T-shirt being half-soaked by the rain-that looked really good-so, I couldn't think for a minute-

    "You don't be silly - werewolves don't get cold." He re-informed me, before handing it to me.

     "What does cold have to do with getting wet?" I shot back. The rain came down harder, smushing the sound of my sentence. Quickly, he took the hoodie from me and placed it over my head, leaving me no choice but to put it on. Raphael gripped my hand again.

    "C'mon, " he said, "We're getting out of here."

     "Where are we going? Back to camp?" I asked. Raphael shook his head.

      "What do you think of meeting my parents?"


              We ran through the rain, over the wet grass-this time at a human pace. I couldn't say I minded, in fact I sort of enjoyed flying through the rain with Raphael, as delusional as it may have sounded. The hoodie helped somewhat but I still felt sort of bad for getting him wet. The rain was cold and smelt of nature, and with Raphael's warm hand around mine, I couldn't say I minded at all. If he could feel the shudders that ran through my body, I really hoped that he thought they were from the rain. Me, on the other hand-

Well. I think I was finally beginning to understand how I felt about Raphael.

         We came to a small apartment with a red roof and white outside. The door was an unpainted oak,  and just outside sat two small concrete steps. Raphael let go of my hand, and I winced at how naked I suddenly felt. He rang the doorbell. Both our chests were heaving up and down with exhilaration. Running through the rain did that to you. I didn't know how I expected his parents to look-gorgeous was an obvious factor, I guessed. Werewolves had incredible genes. Except you, I joked in my head snidely. Raphael gave me a sudden side-glance-but didn't say anything.

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