The Beliefs

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Dedicated to Frogified for being a consistent voter/reader!

Enjoy the video above!


Chapter Twenty-Nine

The Beliefs

Peyton's P.O. V

    I couldn't speak. I felt myself being torn away from the toilet-away from Raphael-I felt like they were a girl's arms. Raphael let me go. I still felt weak-but the pain was receding. My eyes were still closed.

   "I'm gonna go call Faye. She knows more about this stuff than I do-Emily-Rose, get her to take a shower. I'll be right back." Said Raphael solemnly, before he was gone. Emily-Rose pulled me to my feet. Still feeling light-headed, I managed to open my eyes. The room swam around me, mirroring Emily-Rose's face. It was pale-white and worried.

    "Explain. What was he talking about? Does he know what's wrong you?" She demanded, searching my features. I frowned, trying to push her away. I didn't like feeling weak. My heart panged as I thought about what Raphael said: 'Get her to take a shower'. How embarrassing.

   "It's called The Heat. Apparently the werewolf equivalent to a 'period'. Only, ten times worse." I breathed, shaking my head. Emily-Rose's brows furrowed.

   "How long will it last?" She asked, agahst. I forced a weak smile.

"I don't know."


      I just finished showering and was dressed in a tank-top and shorts. I felt almost ten times better. Emily-Rose and I were sitting on my bed waiting for Faye and Raphael to arrive. All of the other campers were out with the other counsellors enjoying their last few days at Camp Lakewood.

A part of me wished I could join them-a tiny part of me, wished that I wasn't a werewolf, and that none of these horrific events ever happened to me. A huge part of me was disgusted by those thoughts.

    "So. Let's talk about you and Matt." I sprung cheerfully, turning to Emily-Rose. I wanted her to forget what just happened. Her eyes widened in shock.

  "Wha-what? No-nothing's going on between me and Matt." She lied, stuttering. I tilted my head to the side playfully.

   "Come on, Emily-Rose. It's totally obvious." I shot back, smirking. Emily-Rose's cheeks tinged pink.

   "What's totally obvious?" She squeaked out, playing along.

"Matt and I are just-" Unfortunately, she didn't get to finish that sentence because Faye and Raphael came bursting through the door. Faye looked flustered-and anxious. Her hair was wild and uncombed-but she still looked gorgeous. Her eyes widened, landing on me, and she hurriedly approached me.

  "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. This is-all my fault-I should have talked to you about it even more. But-before I get to that-there's something you need to know." She ranted breathlessly, before turning to Raphael. His eyes widened slightly, before he gave a nod of assent. I instantly grew curious.

  "What? What is it?" I asked, looking inbetween them. Faye swallowed a breath.

   "I-I just got back from Wolvenpraire-and you wouldn't believe-Amoura's sword is missing." She exclaimed, face a mask of shock. I furrowed my brows.

"What are you talking about? The Amoura had a sword?" I asked in confusion. Faye swallowed again, before taking a seat on the bed. She seemed extremely tired. My eyes widened in concern.

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