Chase Your Dreams

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“For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Genesis 3:5


If you want to be happy you need to reach for the stars. Dreaming is good, but you need to take action because it will not just plunge into your hands.You can not just pew in one corner and expect all the heavenly bodies to conspire with each other waiting for all your intentions to happen. You have to move and keep on going.

Your ambitions will open your soul to a new dimension and perspective.Not all ambitions are good so you need to dream with faith, fearing God and then you will be guided to the right path. If you have a good heart and good intention there is no way you can't make it. So aim high and get prepared for the battle. As soon as you climbed your dreams to victory you can see glittering happiness high up there.

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