“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.”
Ephesians 4:31
Revenge isn't sweet; it is actually the harshest of all the bitter things that could occur in your lifetime. You don't need to wait for the right time to retaliate for the bad things people did to you. It will not make things fair, but even worse.
If you hold on to your grudge there is no way you can move on and you are making yourself its victim. If it is simply a petty misunderstanding the best thing to do is to talk it over and bury the hatchet, but if you think you deserve justice, don't ever take it into your hands let the law takes its own course for you. If you will take revenge you are nothing more, but just like your enemy that will turn both into total losers.
Making revenge is making your life and your enemy miserable and when you get stuck up there you cease chasing your happiness. Remember-an eye for an eye can make you totally blind.
BLISS - Joy In Harmony With God
روحانياتClearly nobody wants to be lonely. In our life we encounter failures, sickness, disappointments, boredom and worries. Our loneliness has its own means to magnify our doubts and hopelessness. Sometimes our actions, thoughts and words are contradictio...