“And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3
Don't let your inner child die out. You may think it is a foolish thing for adults to play because it just consumes your precious time and energy. In truth you cannot just do your work, you need to find time to play as well. You know there will always be joy and learning in playing.
Playing teaches you respect ,fairness. It trains you to follow the rules. It is a fundamental practice of discipline while entertaining yourself. You cannot forever do serious job and heavy subject matters to talk about or you will end up making a mess of your life with stress and boredom. You see how happy people are when they are playing?
You can hear applauds,glees and yells. The air is full of laughter and excitement. Don't make your life somber-PLAY! Sometimes you need to play so you can get the opportunity of the wonderful things that you get free of charge.
BLISS - Joy In Harmony With God
EspiritualClearly nobody wants to be lonely. In our life we encounter failures, sickness, disappointments, boredom and worries. Our loneliness has its own means to magnify our doubts and hopelessness. Sometimes our actions, thoughts and words are contradictio...