Always Stick to One

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“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”

Luke 16:10


If you are in a relationship-always stick to one. Do not play with love and relationship. You know that getting into many relationship at the same time is wrong because if you  don't have the courage to step out of this situation expect screwing up your life. If you cheat someone, you are concealing lies and unfaithfulness that most likely will lead to hate and break up. It is betrayal in the real sense where one's heart can be rejected, hurt and broken. You must respect one's emotion and affection.

The relationship is not a plaything - it's something you nurture and cultivate to grow. You know pain is painful and the worst pain you can inflict to a soul that goes beyond imagination is betrayal. You can never ever continually love somebody guiltless and stay in a relationship happy if you swamp yourself into the river of deception.

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