8: 3 Strikes You Aren't Out

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Tuesday- 12:45 a.m.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I heard the door open and close as Zach entered the last answer in. As the answer was accepted as correct Zach jumped onto the counter and started to yell.

"WOOOOOO! I did it!" He yelled. I chuckled watching him pound his fist in the air. The rest of the boys suddenly appeared in the kitchen door way looking at us. They all look confused shifting their eyes back and forth from me and Zach.

"We were doing math." I told them. They kinda nodded their head looking at Zach as he climbed off the counter. The boys started heading up stairs to shower and change when Jonah came in grabbing a water.

"We plan on going to the field to play baseball if that sounds interesting to join us in." Jonah told me and Zach.

"Sounds like a blast." I smiled looking at Zach.

"Count me in." He added. We all headed up stairs to change to get dressed. I didn't think a sweater wasn't appropriate for baseball. I changed into a loose long sleeve that was light blue and said Old Navy. I fixed my pony tail and put on my running shoes. When I walked downstairs all the guys were in the kitchen packing waters.

"Wait so Liz was helping you with math?" Jack asked looking at Zach.

"Yeah. She's really smart." Zach said making me smile.

"Even though she's a year under you?" Jack asked.

"Yeah." Zach nodded making the guys chuckle.

"You are so bad at math that a sophomore needs to help you?" Jack chuckled.

"I am actually 2 years ahead of my grade for math so technically I'm a senior in that prospective." I said trying to defend Zach. I don't know if it really helped but I was trying.

"So you are smart?" Corbyn asked.

"I guess." I shrugged grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge. "In math at least I am. It just makes sense to me I guess."

"Nice." Corbyn said chuckling. I didn't really know what was funny but whatever. We all started heading to the door.

"Are we ready?" Jonah asked grabbing his bag of baseball equipment. I almost forgot that Jonah wanted to do baseball professionally if he wasn't gonna be a singer. I nodded my head and followed all of them out the door. We all climbed into the truck with Jonah driving, Corbyn in the passenger seat, Zach in the middle of the front seat, Daniel sat behind Corbyn, I sat behind Zach, and Jack sat behind Jonah. For some reason the people who set this up were like 'a truck is the only car that will work without them using to much money. Get them a truck.' I mean I like trucks but it was crammed. I was tiny and felt like I was sitting on Daniel and Jacks laps. I watched out the windows as we passed different places. We pulled into a parking spot that was in front of a large green field.

"We are here." Jonah announced.

"I never understand how girls find us but...here they are." Daniel said looking at the group of girls who were standing on the sidewalk by the truck. I bite my bottom lip and slipped out Jacks door to avoid the group. As the guys greeted the girls and took their photos I slid by and walked around the field. I felt so free standing in the open but I'm not sure why. After a few minutes the guys must have asked them to leave because usually they all stick around but they were all gone. I was kinda happy about it to be honest. Jonah began getting the baseball stuff out and handing it out. Since we only had one glove no one got to use it.

"So catch the ball at your own risk." Jonah said throwing the ball up and down in his hand. I chuckled as I continued to look around the field.

"Whats the teams?" Corbyn asked.

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