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Tuesday- 2:33 p.m.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Lunch was quick and all I got was a water. Being hit with a bat and baseball really takes away your appetite. That and I never really eat so I was prone at being hungry I guess. We are now on our way to the driving range. I was excited since this seemed less dangerous but I could be wrong. I mean there were still clubs and golf balls to be hit with but I had faith in the boys to not damage me anymore. Jack was now driving but we were pretty much all still sitting in the same spots. Corbyn was in back with me and Daniel now.

"Hey try not to get hit with anything else." Corbyn said looking at me with a smile.

"Its not my fault that sports just love me so much that they are drawn toward me." I said.

"Yeah toward your face." Corbyn said.

"That is still a part of me Corbean!" I pointed out to him.

"True." He chuckled looking back out the window.

"Maybe a helmet would help." Zach chuckled.

"Or just a full body suit of armor." Daniel added.

"Well at least something that covers her head." Jonah added.

"I could just use you guys as my human shields." I pointed out.

"With your luck I'd rather not." Jack chuckled. I chuckled and looked out Daniels window. I don't know why I found outside so interesting. Maybe its because I don't go outside often at home.

"Here." Jack announced as he parked the car. We all began getting out of the car and heading to the little shack thing.

"Are you ready?" Daniel asked looking down at me as I was walking next to him.

"Yeah! Another sport I have never played in my life. I'm ready to fail and get attacked by something! Woot!" I yelled throwing my hands up in the air. He laughed at my excitement.

"You have never played baseball?" He asked me.

"I played t-ball when I was little but not since then." I shrugged.

"So do you not do any sports?"

"Ummmm no....I use to throw the football with my dad but he's a little to busy now to have time." I explained to him.

"Does he have an important job or?"

"Not really. My parents just fight a lot so I just try and stay out of the way." I kinda nodded my head like that sounded believable.

"Oh...that must suck." He awkwardly smiled. I nodded awkwardly and stopped in front of the shack. I had no idea what we had to do so I just awkwardly stood there looking around.

"Alright." Jack said grabbing my hand and walking towards the range. I willingly followed him since I was like a lost 3 year old who needed to hold an adults hand. They get to their spot and start getting ready to hit. I awkwardly stood there looking around at the nature. "You wanna hit?" I looked up to see Jack looking at me.

"Uhhhh..." I said with wide eyes.

"Its easy." He chuckled. "I'll help you."

"Alright." I said walking toward him. We had split up into 2 different spots. I felt bad that Corbyn was going to have to wait like an hour for me to actually hit the thing. "I'm gonna be bad at this..."

"Don't worry. Zach sucks at golfing too." Jack reassured me with a smile. He had such an amazing smile. I smiled back at him. He held out the club for me to hold. I slowly took it from him.

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