13- Smoothies and Smooching

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Thursday- 9:10 a.m.

Elizabeth P.O.V.

I woke up laying on a pillow that is wrapped in my arms but I don't remember falling asleep on a pillow. I'm almost positive it was something more firm. I sit up and stretch making a pterodactyls noise. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. The blinds weren't shut so I was being blinded. I looked down at the pillow I was cuddling still confused in that situation.

"I'll figure it out later." I mumbled to myself getting out of the bed. I went to the bathroom and started a warm shower. I took off my glasses and setting them on the counter. I yawned and rubbed my eyes again. I stripped off my clothes and locked the door before getting into the boiling hot water. I sighed at the relief it gave me. My memory slowly came back throughout my shower.

I stepped out from the shower wrapped in my towel. I walked over to the mirror and wiped the steam away. I felt confused with the conclusion my brain had come up with.

"Jonah?" I whispered to the girl in the mirror. I bite my bottom lip and repeated myself more sure about it this time, "Jonah." A smile sprawled across my face. My eyes shift to the counter as I ran my fingers across my lips. I awkwardly giggled at my happiness and began getting dressed.

I slid my long legs into washed out loose jeans tightening it around my tiny waist with a brown belt. I decided after putting on my tan lacy bra on that I wanted to wait to put my shirt on. My face was beat with a beauty blender and concealer. The hot hair dryer dries my chocolate locks of hair and than fishtail pig tails. I make a funny face at the mirror still happy about Jonah. I finished my outfit with a long sleeve stripped shirt and my white converses. After one more look in the mirror I skip down the steps.

"Good morning!" I cheerfully greeted the boys. Everyone seemed to be tense but all dismissed it when I walked in.

"Morning." They all greeted.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked, excited for an adventure that could possibly damage my body.

"The mall for some little shopping." Corbyn explained to me.

"Oooooo..." I dragged on.

"You don't sound amused? Doesn't every girl like shopping?" Jonah asked.

"It will be fun but no...unless I'm a dude." I said looking at the wall. The boys finished up breakfast and changed/did anything they needed to do to go. When we got to the mall it was around 11:40. I was more into hiding than shopping. Crowds of girls would keep stopping us and the boys just couldn't say no. I saw some girls from my school too. I wonder why they are here?

After walking through a couple stores Daniel suggested smoothies. All the guys agreed it was a good idea and I said I didn't like smoothies but they could get some. We bickered a little bit until they caved and just allowed me not to get one. As we started our walk to the smoothie stand Jonah walked close to Corbyn and Zach behind the group. He was saying something but I couldn't hear what neither did I really care for once. There wasn't much of a line for the smoothie stand but I stood against the wall a few feet away waiting for a table to open as the guys ordered.

"Hey Liz." Jonah said walking in front of me.

"Hey.....aren't you gonna get a smoothie?" I asked confusedly. He put his hands on either side of me on the wall next to my face and leaned in. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

"Corbyn's ordering it for me." He smirked.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I blurted out in a disgusting way by accident.

"Well after last night," He chuckled, "you were curled up so close to me, I just figured you wouldn't mind."

"Sorry..." I giggled.

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