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Y/N a very cool person! Sweet and cheerful at the same time. 19years old and best friends with Yura and Kim Taehyung. Taehyung Y/N's long childhood friend, both of them have many resemblance especially the attractive box smile which melts everyone hearts!
Taehyung and Y/N have been labeled "the cute couple twins" in high school because of their actions and face impressions which look a lot alike.

Y/N never fall for someone else cause she knew she had some feelings for Taehyung and always expected him to have the same in return for her at least a little bit but she didn't know yet and wasn't ready to confess nor was she ready! on the other hand her best friend Yura since grade3 have been by her side, encouraging and always there to be all ears whenever Y/N was hurt or felt bad, wether it was family problems to her happiest day and if the bitches mock or insult her for not acting her age and being a cute ball of sunshine she is! 

Until one day~~~

"Y/N do you remember about my sister whom I always talked about and her only son?" Mom asked Y/N curiously.
"Yeah mom your elder sister whom you can't stop talking about being the number one sister in the world and her son whose my cousin for being the most handsome living creature alive on this planet" Y/N said not so surprised.

Y/N just heard about her mom's sister but never did she knew that they were not bragging but actually his son was really the most handsome, intelligent and a guy who can be perfect at everything who changes her life!

"Exactly and there is a good news!" Mom said jumping up and down on the couch. "What is it? What is it?" Y/N sounded to be excited exactly like her mom but didn't knew what was coming!

"ARE YOU FINALLY GONNA GET ME A NEW PUPPY!!!" hearing the not so expected answer moms smiles fades and she frowns. "NO!! MY UNNI IS COMING HERE FOREVER WITH HER SON BUT HER HUSBAND WILL STAY THERE FOR FEW YEARS AND TILL THEN SHE IS GONNA STAY WITH US!!!!" this time it's Y/N's turn to frown and her smile fades away! The excitedness fades away! The cheerful moment fades away!

Long silence........

Mother and daughter staring.....

Eye contacts........

Mother is smiling and daughter is so not smiling! She angrily hit the pillow on her face and groans in disbelief!

"Eommaaaa!!!! Noooo ~~~~" she whines and her mom slapped her shoulder sweetly and says "First of you are my only daughter and second of all Jungkook is the only son--" mom got cut off by Y/N and she aggressively blurted out " So what if he is an only child and so am I. Nothing makes it happier cause I ain't getting close to him and he is not sleeping in my room!" Y/N said half yelling and you could see disappointment on her mom's face. Her mom left from there angrily and said that the family hasn't arrived yet and Y/N was acting very rude which she doesn't want her to behave in front of them cause she didn't raise her that way! 

Y/N quickly realized from her mom's sudden actions and bowed to apologize and said to help her out with the cleaning and stuff with a bright smile on her face. Mom said That's my girl! And patted Y/N's back twice before Y/N hurried to leave for work.

"Look whose gonna have to tell everything to Yura!" Y/N said while driving to her work place.
She grabbed a coffee from the cafeteria place but someone snatched it from her hand. "YAAHHH!!! THAT'S MINE!" She yelled and suddenly the tall figure turned to show his boxy smile signaling sorry!

"Who else did I expect idiot!" She said after giving the last death glare to Taehyung. Taehyung let out a chuckle while leaving her dumbfounded.

Honestly Y/N was a kind of person to be her self and never did she pretend to be extra cute around boys or acted cool or did an impression of I hate boys and don't come close to me. She was just normal but often felt butterflies in her stomach which lasted for 30 seconds and gone. This is how Taehyung made her feel! recalling her childhood with him made her to smile crazily not realizing the situation she is in but Taehyung had this ability to make her fall for him in seconds which made her heart speed it's beatings but the next minute she will jump into reality and say "it's all fake! People have resemblance! We had but he loved me to show how sweet he is with me and keeping up the name we earned back in school. He felt burdened and so I said that he has a free will no one will force him to love anybody even if we resemble so what" that's the day and now we are done with high school and started to work.

I don't think he loves me but we are fine as friends, recently no crushes no bf and single Y/N running to find Yura to drop the hot news her mom said this morning.

Yura mouth gaped and exclaimed "WHAT? are you serious? Aren't you lucky? Boi if I was in your place I would be helping my mom and cooking the best meal so that they appreciate my work in front of the hot guy whose coming!" Yura said. "He is my cousin!" Y/N rolled her eyes.

After work Y/N left home in a hurry so she can help mom with the house work cause her aunt will be arriving the next day!

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