Chapter 12

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Waking up to a sweet voice singing to me good morning was hella nice and sweet at the same time. I wanted to record his voice and keep it as an alarm not wanting him to stop singing I kept changing positions and turned the other way making him know I am still asleep so he sings a bit more. But then I got distracted by a mobile phone on my face I looked up with squinty eyes and saw him recording my ugly not washed sleepy face. I grabbed a pillow to stop him from recording but all he did was to smile at me and let out a chuckle. I finally woke up with a smile yet annoyed face. He laughed at my reactions again and said,

Jungkook: Good Morning~~~

Y/N: Hmm!!! Gimme your mobile and delete whatever you recorded.

Jungkook: Nooooooo~~~♥

Y/N: I'm serious!!!

Jungkook: Then why are you smiling~~~

Y/N: Because you look weird when you talk like that!!!

Jungkook: What am just trying to be cute~~~♥

Y/N: Hahahaha give!!

Jungkook: Nooooooo~~~

Y/N: Yahhh I am serious!!!

Jungkook: Oh really??

Y/N coming close to get his phone but Jungkook keeps backing away not realizing he fall on the couch and so did she on top of him. There faces met and so did that thing! They were tooo close and got stuck to each other like glue. Y/N reaction was shocked yet surprised and brain still processing 'is this really happening?' While Jungkook on the other hand enjoying his first kiss. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close enough until her bones broke. She was in a tight embraced hug and a warm one. Jungkook then tilted his head to kiss her even more passionately.

Y/N now trying to get away from the situation she is in, started to hit him on the chest while her lips are still locked with his, Jungkook grabbed her hands and flipped her on the couch now on top of her. Y/N couldn't take this anymore so she accidentally hit Jungkook between the thighs which made him to cry in pain and breaking the connection of the lips. Y/N quickly escaped in victory.

Jungkook who was now angry at what Y/N did began to chase her.

Jungkook: COME HERE YOU!!!

Y/N: NOOO!!!

After all the running and chasing obvious that the fast runner Jungkook won and pinned her to the wall and gazing at her with furrowed eyes. Y/N furrowed her eyes as well and their argument began.

Y/N: Do you even realize what you have done?

Jungkook: It wasn't bad tho *scratching his nape, blushed*

Y/N: *blushed back, remembering what happened*

Y/N's phone rang, she picked up and all she could hear was Yura yelling.


Y/N: uh....uh....we are stuck in traffic jam it will take some time we will be there!!!

*hangs up phone*

Jungkook: Hmmm.. yeah traffic jam!

Y/N: Move!!! We are late!!

Y/N rushed to get ready and so did Jungkook. They reached there in time for the meeting.

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