Chapter 5

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Taehyung: Yah what's all this?

Y/N: What do you mean what's all this? Why are you mad?

Taehyung: You can't be working with that guy in your office!

Y/N: Why not? He is my cousin what's the problem with him and me sharing an office?

Taehyung: Y/N you just dont understand! Just understand me with this sentence "You are not working with a GUY in your office"! Understand my short statement. It's not good for you. You are smart enough to understand.

Taehyung was about to hold       Y/N's hand when she slapped it away.

Y/N: Excuse me? Who are you to tell me what's good for me and not besides why do you look all worried and as if a girlfriend is cheating on you or something.
Taehyung do know you said that we were never in a relationship and will never be besides when I WAS THINKING OF CONFESSING TO YOU, YOU SAID I WAS A BURDEN ON YOU! RIGHT? SO WHY CARE NOW?

Y/N didn't realize where she took this small conversation to but she began to cry loud taking everyone's attention. She felt embarrassed and left there making Taehyung speechless. Jungkook who was listening to all the conversation silently now began to worry and followed Y/N steps. Before he could catch up with her she already took her car and drove away.

???: Anii!!! Wait! Y/N!!!!!

Jungkook: Oh are you perhaps...........*reads her badge* Oh Yura? You're Yura Y/N's friend?

Yura: Oh yeah! And you are....wait Jungkook?

Jungkook: Yeah thats me don't worry I'll take care of her!

Yura: She'll be at the "Kim's Bakery"!

Jungkook: huh! How do you know?

Yura: Best friends know everything! *smiling*

Jungkook agreed and searched for the Kim's Bakery, arriving there he finds Y/N's car smiling he entered it and found Y/N sitting on the last seat by the window keeping her head down on the table. She seemed very depressed and not so well. Her tired eyes could be seen from a far.

Jungkook took a seat next to her and pat her back.

Jungkook: Yahhhh ~~~ it's ok!

Still rubbing her back, touching her hair. She lift her head up to find Jungkook staring at her with the cutest puppy eyes and his adorable bunny smile. She felt her heart race like never before. Her cheeks started to blush and she kept her head down on the table trying to ignore the weird feeling. 

Jungkook: Hey! Aaah....could you get us a cheesecake?

Waiter: Ok! Fresh cheesecake coming right up! 

And she left, Y/N lift her head to say no but she was too late, he already ordered it, she looked at him with squinting eyes and furrowed brows, Jungkook laughed at her reaction. Trying his best to not to touch her anymore cause he doesn't want her to be pissed off by him.

Waiter: Your cheesecake sir!

Jungkook: Thankyou!

So far Jungkook is the first guy  Y/N has been with who has been always by her side and an every act of his made her to attract towards him like a magnet. She has this weird feeling all the time towards him! Her body isn't normal anymore when she is around him! She begins to worry about tiny details like if he has eaten or not. Did he get his job? And stuff.......

Jungkook: Say aahhhh ~~~♥

Y/N: ^///^ No thanks!

Jungkook: Aahhhh~~~♥

Y/N: (//♥/0/♥//)

Y/N: (//^/~/^//) Hmmm~~ Yummy!
How do you know I love cheesecake? 

Jungkook: *chuckle* Look at you! Well a cheesecake like you will definitely love cheesecake!

Y/N: Heheheheh ^~^

Y/N: Btw how did you find me here?

Jungkook: Oh Yura told me you would be here.

Y/N: *nodding*

They fed each other cheesecake, Y/N's mood lightened up and she felt rather happier!

Y/N's POV~~~

This is my first time! This is my first love♥

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