Chapter 8

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Woke up from the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, realizing I was sleeping on the couch next to the kitchen. With my squinty eyes I backed hug the person cooking the food, it wasn't mom it was Jungkook. I came back to reality and backed away. Smirking he turned towards me and tugged my hair behind my ear.

"Good Morning~~~♥" he said sweetly pinching my right cheek, leaving me speechless and yet smile at his sweet gesture.

"Good Morning~~~" I wished back in a singing tone. He ordered me to get ready and sit at the table, I obeyed him and sat when I was done. The breakfast was all set on the table. It all looked!!!

Jungkook: How is it?

Y/N: Ish twastyyy!!! *munching on the food*

Jungkook: *chuckle* Get ready we are leaving in ten minutes.

Y/N: Ay Ay Captain!!! *solute*

They got ready, left for work, arrived at their destination and got back to work.

Time flew quickly~~~

Lunch time~~~

Jungkook had gone for some work and files to be given to the tenth floor to someone. So I went alone and decided to sit at the cafeteria where I usually sit and wait for Jungkook to come but saw Taehyung sitting there and looking at his watch and seemed to be looking for someone.

I moved closer to him and he quickly got up from his place staring at me and he stuttered after each word making me worried but I tried to ignore him. He apologized with sorrowful eyes of what he did before. And again he said to be friends like how we were before.

I nodded my head in agreement and gave him a sad smile if only he truly liked me back I would have done the same but who knows what's written in each other's future and whom they are going to spend their life's with. He asked me if we could spend some time together after work. At first I wasn't sure but then I agreed to it. We grabbed some cookies and different shaped, flavoured biscuits with coffee. I received a text from Jungkook as to where I was and I bumped into him right after I received his message. He was shocked to see me and Taehyung together but didn't reacted much. He just said a "let's go Y/N!" grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away from Taehyung. Tae gave me a signal to meet him after work and I gave him an ok signal in return.

I decided to let Jungkook know that I was leaving after work with Taehyung but my heart said that he wouldn't let me. So I slowly sneaked off the office leaving Jungkook alone and right after dismiss Taehyung took me out to the place me, Yura and Tae used to hangout after school but this time without Yura.

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