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You don't know how much I loved you and still do! You are missing the signs i am showing you.Falling for his face and not falling for the heart he has! You're gonna get in trouble! I am warning you! Trust me and hold my hand. Don't let go Y/N! Don't let go! He'll eat you, tear you, make you cry tears of blood! Don't let go! Hold me tight! Squeeze me! Hug me! Take me in your arms and I'll save you! Remember I warned you!

Huh! Y/N woke up suddenly with a loud bang at the door. She rubbed her eyes and checked around her. It was a dream!

Jungkook: Yahhh!!! Are you awake yet? *knocking*

Y/N: I'm awake~~~

Jungkook: Oh I'm Jungkook~~~

Y/N: What do you want?

Jungkook: I'm hungry!

Y/N: Oh I'm Y/N~~

Jungkook: Y/N~~~Mom's not home she went out!

Y/N: Ahh I see.....wait I'm coming.

She got up and went to the bathroom to change while Jungkook still standing by Y/N's bedroom door to open and feed him something. Y/N opened the door to find a pouting Jungkook.

Y/N: Hehehe what's wrong?

Jungkook: Do you know how many times I knocked on the door so that you wake up!

Y/N: Sorry it's just I had this weird dream.....

Y/N spoke while making some delicious eggs and bacon. Jungkook couldn't wait anymore and began to set the table. Y/N glanced at his cute view, keeping all the plates and stuff for the two of them! Whatever he does just seems so........cute♥

"I know! I know! I'm that handsome! You see these *shows off his muscles*

Y/N quickly turned away and didn't bother what he was doing embarrassed he pulled his sleeves down and poured water in their glasses.

Y/N: Ready!!!

She served the table. They began munching on the food. Jungkook and Y/N's eyes met after every few seconds and shyly they would always turn away. Either they would look at the ceiling or at their plates. After finishing     Y/N got ready for work while Jungkook began following her.

Y/N: Hey why you following me?

Jungkook: I ain't following you just going outside!

Y/N ignored him and got to her car, She sat at the drivers seat while Jungkook opened the door to the passengers seat and sat down.

Y/N: I thought you weren't following me!

Jungkook: I would be bored alone so decided to come along!

Y/N: can't come to my workplace!

Jungkook: Why not? I'll apply there for a job and we both will work there. Besides doing a job is important!

Y/N: ummm......ok!

Jungkook:  Now....would we start going?

Y/N: Ah yes!

She started the engine and drove to her work place. Arriving there Jungkook bought some coffees and teased Y/N saying that he'll drink both.

Y/N: Wow! Thanks!

Jungkook: For what? *raised an eyebrow*

Y/N: Aren't you gonna give me that coffee?

Jungkook: Wae? These two are mine!

Y/N: You're gonna drink both? 0_0?

Jungkook: Is that a problem? 

Y/N pouted and went inside the office. Jungkook had a smirk on his face throughout the walk. Leaving him at the office door, Jungkook grabbed her hand and handed her the coffee smirking. Y/N shot red and froze at his gesture but turned after saying a thankyou and hid her face in her hands trying not to show her feels but the genius noticed it and went inside the office.

Y/N kept smiling the whole day after that, sipping the coffee with a smile from ear to ear. It was break time and Y/N roamed around the place to see what happened and where Jungkook was. His face continuously roaming around her head which made her to smile she eventually gave up and ordered a huge bowl of spicy ramen all to her self. When a voice came from behind her.

???: Ooh soo happy today! I know you miss me that much. Having a whole bowl all to yourself! Sharing is caring!

She knew who this deep voice belonged too but she continued chewing her spicy ramen slurping its delicious soup.

Taehyung: Aiiiii~~~~ How cute~~~♥3♥ *pinching her cheeks* 

Y/N looked at him with puppy eyes and Taehyung couldn't stop pinching her cheeks that he cupped her face about to make a move. Y/N's heart raced and her eyes widend.

Jungkook: What's going on here? 
Taehyung quickly backed away and removed his hands from Y/N face. Jungkook quickly grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her away from the place and took her to a room which was empty giving Taehyung a death glare.

Y/N: Hey my ramen!!!

Jungkook: C'mere!!!

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