Chapter 15

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Two months have already passed away and there is this thing called "First Love " that I have felt so far. But too afraid to let it out before Jungkook says so.

This whole time since Taehyung left, I got so much attention from Jungkook. Yura who just got engaged to her secret crush has now moved to a different city!

Me and Jungkook eventually got closer day by day and talk more often now.

Until one day me and Jungkook were sitting on a bench and talking about work, random stuff when I really had the urge of asking him this question that has been roaming in my head.

Y/N: Ummm.....Jungkook can I ask you a question?

Jungkook: Sure~~ tell me!

Y/N: Do you like someone?

Jungkook: Of course I do!

Y/N: Really? Oh *disappointed, jealous*

Jungkook: What's wrong?

Y/N: Eh? Oh n-nothing! Is she beautiful? How does she look like?

Jungkook: Well do you wanna see her or talk to her?

Y/N: Hmmm?

Jungkook: Ok I'll call her!

Y/N's heart began to beat faster than ever. She never felt so unlucky in the world.

Jungkook: *facetiming the girl*

Y/N's phone rang all of a sudden, her eyes grew wide to find out the girl he likes and who he was facetiming was her. Still not believing she attended it.

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Y/N: Seriously? Y-you like me?

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Y/N: Seriously? Y-you like me?

Jungkook: *blush* ever since I entered the front door of your house for the first time I saw a girl who was my type but didn't know she loved someone else!

Y/N: NoNoNoNo~~~ I--I never liked Taehyung!!!

Jungkook: Oh really?

Y/N: It's just I get carried away when I see my friends and to be completely honest you are my first love!

Jungkook: First love?

Y/N: I never felt anything like this ever since I met you! Taehyung was always a bully, a tease, a funny yet protective brother! But you----- you're---- my first love! Never did I ever experienced love until when I am with you!

Jungkook without wasting a second crushed his lips with Y/N. They broke the kiss when they realized a kid licking an ice cream staring at them.

Kid: Are you dating?

Jungkook: Yeah!

Kid: Is she your girlfriend?

Jungkook: Of course she is!

Kid: Do you love her?

Jungkook: yes I do~~♥

Kid: Then go get a room! Aiishh!

And that's how the savage kid left us. Y/N kept laughing at Jungkook's straight face until he screamed, called the kid towards him. This seems bad!

Jungkook: Heyooooo kid!!!!

Kid: *turned to face him*

Jungkook: You know I am old enough to know when to do what to my girlfriend and so I will!
*crushed his lips with Y/N again*

Kid: *disgusted, left*

Jungkook: Muah! Muah! Muaahh♥

Y/N: Heheheheh stop♥♥♥ 

Jungkook: I love you Y/N~~♥

Y/N: Hehehe I love you too♥

The End~~~~♥

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