Chapter 10

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Y/N came to a conclusion and blurted out:

Y/N: Taehyung.....I-I'm sorry! It's just that I don't want to be in a relationship yet. Ok! Look you know what someone else better than me deserves you! This doesn't mean I hate you but means that don't wanna take our relationship that far! You know me well and I do to!

As Y/N was speaking tears started to form in both of their eyes.

Y/N: Yah! Pabo-ssi don't cry!! *wipes his tears from her thumb*

Taehyung: *laughs and cry at the same time* *notices Y/N sobbing too wipes her tears away*

Y/N: Yah! My childhood buddy my best friend I would never ever forget you! No matter how much you hurt me later! I will still remember the good things you did for me and still do! 

Taehyung: I would never hurt you again and that's a promise!

Taehyung gets up from his place and kisses Y/N's forehead. All she could do was to smile like a fool and let him go. She did like him, he did change a lot since school finished. He used to tease her, make fun of her, brought her cute gifts and food whenever she was sick or even not feeling well. Going out to the movies together! She missed all those will they be able to do all that afterwards? Will everything change after this? It can't be right?

Before they were about to leave the bakery and go separate ways. Y/N grabbed Taehyung's long coat and pulled him for a huge tight hug!!!

They squeezed each other tight, not letting each other go like there is no tomorrow. They could feel each other's heart beat race and their breathe hit each other's. Seemed like after a minute they would really kiss but they didn't, they backed away. Y/N giving him a last kiss on the cheek. Waved him goodbye and left the place, keep turning around to find him still looking at her until her sight disappears. Smiling at each other for the last time, they left!

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