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Y/N: Why?

Jungkook: What why? He was touching you! Didn't you say you don't like people touching you?

Y/N: Aiishh leave my hand *removed her hand from Jungkook's grip* my wish! What's gotten in to you?

Jungkook: Me being your cousin-

Y/N: Don't have to be so protective. That was Taehyung whom I was talking about earlier!

Jungkook: Oh!.........I see *stared at the ground*

Complete silence~~~~

Y/N: Btw ummm... w-what happened about your job! Did you get it?

Jungkook: Oh yeah! He hired me the second he saw me!

Y/N: Really? Wow! That's great you're lucky cause boss doesn't give jobs that easily!

Jungkook: Yeah......

They made eye contact for 5 seconds, this time it was longer maybe they are getting used to each other?

Y/N: Yah! S-stop staring! ♥\\\♥

Or maybe not! This is the definite reason that proves Y/N possibly does has feelings for Jungkook. She is all shy up around him and so does Jungkook. Ears turning red, goose bumps, stuttering, want to ask something but not getting the courage to!

What is all this?

Y/N thought in her head. Reason for so many's like butterflies are lasting longer than before. Even though they just met yesterday!

Y/N was jumping from inside cause she felt like someone cares for her other than Yura! The words from his mouth kept repeating in her head even if she cut him off but the "me being your cousin--- don't have to be so protective" the impression he made when he got cut off, knowing that he really was protective as a cousin sounded cool and felt really nice! 

This was just the beginning and Y/N already liked his personality unlike Taehyung who just goes for the looks.

Talking about looks and heart reminded her of the dream she had this morning. The voice felt like Jungkook's.

Jungkook: ummm.....we still have half an hour wanna get something I'm really hungry! 

Y/N: Sure ^~^

They smiled at each other and walked out the room. Standing in front of the cashier, ordering some croissants and mango juice, the order taking time cause fresh baked croissants were coming out the oven. Standing in front of the cashier and no one around
Y/N felt a pinky finger touching hers slowly the right finger then felt like middle and suddenly their both hands were intertwined. Y/N's heart skipped a beat and goose bumps all over her body. Jungkook smirked which could be seen from the corner of the eye. The veiny hands tightened and Y/N turned to see Jungkook and their eyes meet again.

Cashier: Here's your order sir and that will be $(blah blah)

Jungkook paid and they sat at the near garden which was within the building but at the ground floor near the reception. Taking a seat and sitting face to face made Y/N's face heat up. She couldn't drink nor could she open her mouth to take a bite.

Jungkook: Why aren't you eating? Want me to feed you?

Please Jungkook I'm trying my best to control this weird feeling. Stop being romantic!

Y/N: I ahhh....n-need the restroom. Excuse me!

Jungkook's POV~~~

Here she goes again! Acting all cute! This smile that I can resist. She was shaking in front of me and just kept drinking. She was too shy to eat when I asked to feed her and a red paint brushed her cheeks. She was all shy again and needed the restroom! Why is she acting like this around me she wasn't the same with the Taehyung guy! Plus she let him touch her while with me she feels weird. Is it because she likes him more than me? Maybe I shouldn't interfere in their relationship and let her go! But.....being a cousin at least I can talk to her but she is shy while talking to me. Why this reaction towards me? Is it because we aren't that close. Come on Kook she won't be that frank with you all of a sudden it will take time!

Suddenly something caught Jungkook's eye. A tall guy standing at the huge window staring at Jungkook and so he did back. Taehyung smirked and disappeared.

Jungkook: What's with him?

Y/N took a seat in front of him again and Jungkook asked if she was ok. She nodded her head smiling and said that she gotta get to work. He stopped her and said that the boss wanted her to show Jungkook to his new office cause he was new around. She checked the office number and it said Office No.650 she read it twice for any misunderstanding but no it clearly said Office No.650 .

Y/N: Ummm....Jungkook!

Jungkook: Yeah?

Y/N: Are you sure the boss gave you the right number cause that's my office!

Jungkook: Oh yeah recalling what boss said "Junggook! Since there are lack of offices here how about you share it with your cousin!"

Jungkook said pointing his right finger in the air, acting exactly how the boss called him and stuff making Y/N laugh and she asked.

Y/N: Hahaha but how did the boss know we are cousins?

Jungkook: Oh surprisingly he asked if I was related to you cause we look a lot alike! And I said yeah that I am from your reference!

Y/N nodded her head in response but realized that Jungkook and she would be sharing an office together! They went to the office to find Y/N's office already changed and an extra seat, table, computer and all the essential things you need in your office were there.

Y/N: When did this all happen?

Jungkook: I don't know but it's cool!

Taehyung: Hey! Y/N~~

Taehyung's eyes grew in shock and he kept staring at Y/N in disappointment completely ignoring Jungkook's presence he asked Y/N if they could talk privately. Y/N nodded and asked Jungkook to start from his day one and get to work. Curious Jungkook stared at them walk away.

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