Chapter 7

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The whole day went by quickly! Jungkook went to help my dad with his work while me helping my mom and aunt with the packings and stuff. Since I am gonna be incharge of everything! I'll do my best! Fighting!
I said to myself. Thoughts roaming around my head. All alone with my cousin for three months without my parents and aunt too. I really feel sorry for what happened with my uncle. I know jungkook is really sad from inside he isnt good in expressing himself and his feelings that quickly, he really wanted to meet his dad too but my aunt didn't wanted me to be alone all by myself and so this loneliness will now be shared with Jungkook as well!

Everything was packed! Everyone were ready! First we said our goodbye to my aunt and told her to take good care of uncle. Half an hour later we bid goodbye to my parents wishing them luck on their work.

Arriving back home from airport. This silence! The no laugh, screaming, yelling, chattering nothing! Only one thing could be hard our inhale and exhale (breathe) and one more thing! The ticking of the clock which was so annoying! I switched on the tv to avoid the tension which was building up but Jungkook came in and switched it off. I looked at him in confusion and all he said was.
"Your wasting electricity!"

Y/N: 0_0 but.....but it's creepy!

Jungkook: Look how about we get to know each other better!

Y/N: But...we already-

Jungkook: No j-just stop the who can be silent for a long time competition. It's just why are you so quiet around me. You look different around me then other people. Why is that so? Don't you like me?

Y/N couldn't beleive what he just said and so did Jungkook he quickly covered his mouth realizing what he just blurted out. Y/N looked at the ground not making contact with him anymore. All she could say was.

Y/N: I-I think I g-gotta go....

She ran towards her room and closed the door shut all that she was doing was recalling whatever he said.

I know I like him I think I just showed him too many signs but there is nothing that I can do! I try my best not to but can't control myself! It's me this is my problem my weakness. I act weird around my crushes cause of my heart and this was my first love that felt weirder than ever. And guess what he wants me to be normal with him but Jeon Jungkook stop being cute. But it's not your fault cause you're just sitting on the couch and you make me fall for you! How?  What's wrong with me? My heart will tear into pieces the second I know that you don't like me back. I won't blame you that time cause it was me who fall for you first!

Jungkook: *knock* Hey uhh....Y/N are you there? Ummm.....I am sorry I think I just said too much back then! Please come out.

I got up from the floor where I was thinking rubbish and opened the door revealing an apologetic Jungkook.

Y/N: it's ok. It's nothing!

Jungkook: Hmmmm.......umm..I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach?

Y/N: Hahaha beach? At this time?
Jungkook: *smiles* it would be fun! Promise! Come on get ready!
Y/N felt her heart race again but got over it and grabbed a white top and black jeans. A little make up would do. Tied her hair into a messy bun and she is ready to go. Went downstairs to find Jungkook checking himself on the mirror. She hid herself and took the scene as a perfect entertainment.

Jungkook: Waahh~~~~ Jungkookie looks so handsome! So handsome!  *wiggling eyebrows* Ayo Ladies and Gentlemen~~~~ We don't talk anymore! We don't talk anymore!

Y/N: Like we used to doo~~♥ 

Jungkook: Woah!!

Y/N: Heheheheh ^~^

Jungkook: Ready?

Y/N: Let's go!

We arrived at the beach and surprisingly nobody was there. The cold breeze hit my face and blew my hair which were in a bun but now half of them opened. Jungkook pulled my pony leaving me with my open long hair and wiggled my pony in the air and began to run away with it. Savage me didn't run after him. Flipped my hair and said "Hmf open hair looks fab! Every thing looks fab on me! I don't need that keep it to yourself!" Jungkook made a poker face and came towards me, silly me thought he was going to return it but he walked passed me. I laughed at his movements and jumped on his back and now we were in a piggy back position.

Jungkook: Aishhh so fat!

Y/N: I'm not fat *pout*

Jungkook: You are! Look I can't even stand! *acting like he is about to fall*

Y/N: *slapped his shoulder* Stop it!!!!

I had fun no body ever in my life gave me a piggy back ride. I layed my head on his back and could sense him smirking. Not realizing I slept soundly.

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