Chapter 6

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Jungkook and I drove home silently. He stole glances at me every few minutes and me knowing it kept staring at the my lap.

Reached home to find 26messages from Yura and 10 missed calls. I quickly called her and it went through the whole night, talking and chatting and gossiping whatever we could! Until I fall into deep sleep.

Next Morning!

Y/N woke up with a sudden scream from her mother which startled her and she woke up not the way expected. Asked surprised what's wrong mom? And mom came with an another great news. Seems like it!



Mom: *disgusted* *frowned* NO!

Y/N: Then why wake me? Hmf ~

Mom: Guess what me and your dad are going on our first business trip!!!


Mom: I know right!!!!

Y/N: Where are you guys going?

Mom: Hong Kong!!!

Y/N: Wahhhh what's the use when I can't go! *pouting* So lucky!!!

Mom: Ayy!! We are going on a business trip not on a vacation pabo! How can I leave my sweet heart alone?

Y/N: Speaking of staying alone whom w-what?

Mom: Now now dont freak out My unni is there Jungkook is there. Every thing will be alright! Besides you'll have fun!

Y/N: No way! 

Mom: Stop acting childish go downstairs and eat breakfast!

Y/N: Muaahh ~~ ♥♥♥ *kissed on cheek*

Y/N did her morning routine and went downstairs to eat. Wished everyone a good morning cheerfully. She heard a loud cry from the other room. She went to find Jungkook's mom crying (her aunt) she yelled mom and everyone gathered her. After hanging on the call she pulled Y/N's mom in a hug. Reason for her crying was that Jungkook's dad got into an accident, he was fine but still in the hospital. The neighbours assured that everything was ok and wished her to come see him.

Everything was now going on so quickly and unexpected. Didn't woke up to expect a happy and sad news so suddenly in one day.  Mom and dad are going on a business trip the next day and so is Jungkook's mom because of her husband.

So does this leave me and him alone for a long time? Please this shouldn't be happening!


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