Chapter 9

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The Kims Bakery a place where I used to sit and still sit when I feel alone or sad. A place where me,  Tae and Yura used to hangout after school. Taehyung took me to the same cafe, sat at our usual places and all we did was to look at each other while smiling and turn our faces away when we felt butterflies in the tummy, even after we both decided on not going for a relationship but just friends. I don't think having feelings such as those just meant to be friends don't you have such feelings for those whom your going to be dating with me. Me and Taehyung never dated but wished.

Taehyung: Ummm.....the usual?

Y/N: Yes please!

Taehyung: Nope today a little different!

Y/N: Ooh what's up with today?

Taehyung: You'll see *smirk*

Y/N: *saw him smirk, looked down to the ground, avoiding eye contact*

Taehyung: Hey--

Waitress: Yes black beans coffee and chocolate chip cookies?

Taehyung: Hahaha no! Today Chocolate pastries and cold coffee!

Waitress: Ok!

Taehyung: did work go for you today?

Y/N: It was nice and tiring too!

Taehyung: Yeahhh~~ how's Jungkookie doing?

Y/N: Hahaha Jungkookie is doing good!

Taehyung: Good to hear♥

Y/N: So? Is there something important that you wanna say?

Taehyung: Actually yeah there is! But you should let me take my time right?

Y/N: Oh...yeah your time!

Taehyung: Thanks!

Waitress: Your pastries and coffee!

Taehyung: Thankyou!

*Ting Ting Tong*

Message from Kookie


Hey where are you?

                             I'm with Tae at                            the Kim's Bakery

Ok! Do well!


Taehyung: Who is it?

Y/N: Oh it's mom!

Taehyung: You're mom name is kookie?

Y/N: *embarrassed*
It's Jungkook! 

Taehyung: Ummm.....nice name!

Y/N: You know how you call your cousins!

Taehyung: What does he call you? 

Y/N: Ummm....I don't know...never noticed...OH YEAH HE CALLS ME Y/N!!!!

Taehyung: Aisshh my ear ok! Hahahaha.....remember what I used to call you?

Y/N: Yeahhh Y/N-ssi!!!

Taehyung: Nope!

Y/N: Y/N-aahh~~~♥

Taehyung: Hahaha nope!

Y/N: What?

Taehyung: Aiisshh you forget easily!!!

Y/N: I know it was My.Mrs.Kim!!!

Taehyung: *blush* noo I never said that!

Y/N: Yes you did!!! I heard that when you were talking to Yura and said that Y/N is my Mrs.Kim!!!

Taehyung: So if your fine with it then will you really be my Mrs.Kim Y/N?

Y/N: *choked* *cough*

Taehyung: Hey hey you ok? *pats back*

Y/N: Yes..

Taehyung: REALLY?

Y/N: No I said... I was ok I replied yes I am ok!

Taehyung: Ooh!

Y/N: But Taehyung why are you asking this?

Taehyung: Y/N----

Y/N: Taehyung-ssi are you asking us to be in a relationship?

Taehyung: Y/N look....I...I am sorry ok I might have said in the past that I did all that for school and you were a burden but you weren't ok I realized that now! You were definitely not one and was different from other girls i thought that you would like me and love me just because we were named couples back in school because of our resemblance!-----

Y/N: Are you telling me that it was all misunderstandings?

Taehyung: Yes! It was just me who acted this thinking that you would like me because of popularity in school! Even though I broke your heart before you were about to confess me but I think I did wrong and I apologize let's.....let's be ummmm.....more than friends what do you think? 

Y/N: ummm....Taehyung mind if I take time to answer?

Taehyung: Ahhh........ok!

He really did look disappointed. It clearly showed on his face but I didn't wanted to get hurt afterwards. The thing that we need to understand is when someone can hurt you once, he/she can hurt you twice no matter how many times they apologize!
They will stay the same person! They might act a little more caring afterwards but do know they are the same person. Y/N learnt this from the one and only Jeon Jungkook who stopped her from sneaking off the office without him knowing. He warned her for this will happen and it actually did! Taehyung did actually asked her out, Y/N was indeed surprised from the prediction Jungkook made! But she was confused as to listen to the heart who says yes to Taehyung or listen to Jungkook. She was confused because Taehyung said it was all misunderstandings!

But if you like someone, you trust them, beleive in them, know that they are honest and would never lie to you. Then there will be no misunderstandings!!!

So after some heart and brain processing. She came to a conclusion and blurted out!

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