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Washrooms clean              check
Dining table is clean          check
Hall room is clean              check
My and parents room       check
Decorations look pretty   check

Y/N plopped on the couch all tired messy and dirty clothes and her aunt is arriving in half an hour. She rushed to the washroom to get ready. Wore a pretty dress, high pony will do and a little powder on the face won't kill. "A LIPSTICK WILL DO TOO!" mom yelled from her room knowing that Y/N doesn't apply it that much but today will do. Everybody got ready, welcoming gifts are ready! They scanned themselves on the mirror for the last time.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it!"said mom excited to meet her unni after a long time. The door opened wide revealing a beautiful, short hight, yet charming woman with an indeed a muscular baby faced guy at the back smiling and hiding his face which was tomato red.

We welcomed them with warm hugs except for me who just waved at Jungkook who was all shy up at the corner. They sat at the dining room. My mom and her sister wouldn't let go of their hands which were tightly intertwined together. Looking at the view made Y/N go Awww♥ and she sat next to them appreciating what they discussed about how mom used to be when they were kids and their sisterly fights and stuff, Y/N being the only child never experienced all this but being with Yura gave her an impression of how it would look like Y/N kept smiling at them both when she saw Jungkook staring at her from the corner of her eye. Just to make sure Y/N turned his direction and saw him turn away looking at the floor.

Again and again this would repeat until Y/N decided to get up and serve the meal on the table.

Y/N's POV:~~~

My aunt said how fast I grew and how pretty I became ever since we met. Jungkook smiling at everything his mom appreciated about me and so I did the same when his mom said something good about him.

Honestly everything went well until afternoon came and all of a sudden they wanna go shopping. I explained that I was really tired and stuff so they agreed. Weird that Jungkook and I said "No!" At the same time. My mom and aunt kissed our cheeks and went away. Now it was dead silence and Jungkook kept tightening his fist and would let go which made me quite uncomfortable. I asked him for water/juice and he said no and turned away. I asked him if I should switch on the Tv and he said no. This guy just doesn't wanna do anything, I gave up and asked what he wanted to do.

"Let's talk!" He said patting the empty chair next to him. Not expecting that I started to blush and became shy. Weird that my body began to act strange all of a sudden and I pulled the chair to sit when my legs got weak and I fall in front of him, embarrassed I got up quick and saw him smirking at me. I just couldn't take it. What's wrong with me? I couldn't take his smiley face anymore the bunny teeth made him look cute and sexy at the same time. Without uttering a word I left the place leaving him alone.

I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me, touched my chest to feel my heart coming out of It any second I couldn't take it what's this? Why am I breathing heavily? 

Never did Y/N ever experienced this. Her heart beat fastened when she heard a knock on the door. She couldn't say anything cause she was breathing very heavily!
After calming down she twisted the door knob slowly and saw no one outside. Curiously she roamed around to find him in the dining room. His back faced her and seemed as if he was talking!

She got all quiet to hear what he was saying clearly and couldn't beleive what he just said:

"Damn I am so mean shouldn't have smiled at her when she fall but how can a girl be so pretty? Ok don't mess up Kook you got this!" And he turned around to see Y/N's blushing face which was covered by her tiny hands. Jungkook quickly gasped at the situation and asked "No no what you heard was not right I was just talking to a friend!"
"Talking to an invisible friend?" Y/N questioned with one raised eyebrow.

Dead silence again which sent shivers down Y/N's body she hated this long silence, nervous to start the conversation first.

Jungkook asked for a glass of water. Nervousness filled both their faces. Y/N nodded and handed him the glass of water, about to turn to head back to her room when she got stopped by Jungkook who insisted her to stay and wanted a little walkie talkie. She showed him the garden nearby and they began to walk and introduce themselves to each other even though deep down they were super shy!

Jungkook kept flashing his cute bunny smile whenever Y/N talked about her likes and dislikes, staring at the ground when they made contact.

Definitely seemed like a newly couple! But after a little walk they sat at the swings. Swaying slowly and talking without looking at each other, nodding at each other's point of views and opinions.

"So whose your best friend?" "Yura since grade3 and Taehyung too!" Y/N said smiling. "Whose Taehyung your boyfriend?" Jungkook asked curiously and his both eyebrows twitching.
"No just friends! Childhood friends but he changed a lot!" Y/N said coolly. Jungkook seemed a little depressed but acted as if he was ok while nodding his head. Y/N noticed him starting to get weird. "Oh I have a childhood friend too!" He said suddenly but there was something in the statement that didn't feel right it seemed like he was lying but Y/N let it slide through not bothering. "She is very cute and still is. Her smile is the best thing ever!" Jungkook said with a straight face. Y/N nodded and began to laugh at his reaction which looked hilarious.

"What it's true?" "Yeah right!" "It really is true I ain't lie!" Jungkook said panicking. "Ok! Ok! I get it why panick?"
"You didn't believe me!" Jungkook said angrily. "I do! Now let's get in its getting dark" Y/N said about to leave but jungkook grabbed her hand and tightened his grip. "Owwww!!" "Please let's stay a little longer!" Jungkook said still holding Y/N's hand.
Y/N got confused and quickly removed her hand from his grip.

"Don't touch me!" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and let go. "I-I'm going in! y-you wanna come so......or if not stay h-here then" Y/N stuttered and jungkook answered her by saying after you and they went in.

Y/N's POV~~~
Today is just so weird honestly I don't know why but I kinda have feelings for him. He is just my cousin whom I met after long long time, I don't wanna have any sort of bad relationships and regrets but do wanna take us in a balance and limitations.
I have to admit.....he is very handsome and strong too.

*Ding Dong*

Y/N's thoughts were cut off by the bell revealing the happy sisters so satisfied with the shopping they did. "Come Y/N I show what I got for you!!" Aunt said happily taking out a beautiful ribboned dress with huge purple, pink and blue flowers in it. Y/N's jaw dropped and she jumped with excitement, her mom got her matching accessories which made her to jump around the house all gone crazy! What she didn't notice Jungkook's existence still present there laughing at her cute reactions. "Cute~~♥" he mumbled but clear enough for  Y/N to hear who was standing beside him. She couldn't control her smile but quickly became the decent girl again, controlling her feels. Jungkook laughed louder than before and pointed at her sudden change of attitude.

"You're so hilarious!!!" Jungkook cried out. "What? *slapped his shoulder* stop it you!" Y/N said annoyed. 

"Awww look at you two already getting close!" Y/N's mom said with a smile. "They sure are!" Her aunt said.

Jungkook and Y/N exchanged glances, Y/N's smile grew from one to another turning the other way so that jungkook doesn't see her shyness, Jungkook on the other hand didn't take his eyes off Y/N's all red painted face.

Few minutes later Y/N's dad arrived home just in time for the dinner. They ate well, showed their rooms, helped them unpack and today's the day Y/N couldn't sleep well cause her room was way close to Jungkook's and way far away from their parents.

Jungkook: Good night~~~♥ *bunny smile*

Y/N: G-good n-night!

Y/N wrapped her hands around her warm, hot, red body. She turned into a ball and covered herself with her warm blanket, recalling everything which made her blush everytime she recalled jungkook and his actions and the I will cut you into pieces with my smile impression. She sighed loudly closed her eyes and slept.

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