Chapter 13

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Days passed by~~~

Just the normal, as in waking in the morning, smiling at sleepy bunny face, feeding him food or he will sometimes, going to work and come back home tired and weekends? Popcorn and horror movies!!!! Their favourite ♥

Until one day!
Y/N and Jungkook were working in their office when a knock at their door distracted them.

Come in~~ said Y/N sweetly. A door wide opened revealing the cutest fluff ball with his signature box smile. Looking at him smile this beautifully in the morning released all the stress Y/N had and she began to laugh.

Y/N: Oohhh MY JINJJA!!!! HOW ARE YOU!!!!

Y/N got up from her seat and embraced this cute fluff ball named Taehyung in a warm hug. He held her waist tight and took her out the office. Y/N was happy to see him since he showed up after a long time. He didn't come to work for one week which worried both Yura and Y/N. Jungkook who was observing the situation and was all ears, rolled his eyes and got back to work, ignoring the childhood friends.

Y/N: Hey why haven't you come for so long? You know how much me and Yura were worried!

Taehyung: Speaking of Yura where is she today?

Y/N: Oh actually you know how she loves that drama which repeats at 2am to 3 and so she felt sick and didn't come.

Taehyung: Aaah I see~~~ ummm....Y/N-aah I'll tell you this if only you promise me you wouldn't cry!

Y/N: Me? Cry? Pfft~~ yeah right!

Taehyung: *raised a brow*

Y/N: Is it that sad?

Taehyung: I know you since we were little so I know what your even thinking right now!

Y/N: Hmmm really? Test me!

Taehyung: Taehyungie pabo~~

Taehyung: *love slapped her shoulder*

Y/N: Hehehe ouch!

Taehyung: No but seriously!

Y/N: What is it? *gets serious*

Taehyung: should I put this!

Y/N: Spit it already pabo~~~♥

Taehyung: Fine! I'm leaving in two days because I got a better job in Canada and it is a satisfying job plus the salary--

Y/N: *grabs him by the shoulders* Taehyung look into my eyes and say your pranking me! Say---Say t-that you're teasing me! 

Taehyung: I wished I could! I-I could but *tears forming up*

They hugged each other tighter than before. Squeezing each other not letting go. Maybe he was a bastard! Maybe he wasn't my first love! But he was a great friend!
Both crying at the same time, tightening their grips at each other, whispering in their ears.

Y/N: I was always afraid of all this! You idiot you promised! Why did you do this to me!  What about the pinky promise we did when we were kids! NOT LETTING GO OF EACH OTHER'S SIDE! what will Yura think?

Y/N whispered yelled at him. It's like all the memories since childhood, school and this working office will always remind her of him. She did like him a lot! Indeed! Who can't? 

Taehyung: I only have tomorrow! How about we spend these two days together until I leave but promise me one thing!

Y/N: *nods* hmmm~~

Taehyung: You will eat well! You will sleep well! You should always smile at the thought that no matter if I'm not by your side but he is *pointing at the office where jungkook is* 

Y/N: *looks at him in confusion*

Taehyung: He will give you things and love that you never received from me! I was always like your elder brother by yourside and will always will! But do know that living being loves you more than anything!

Y/N: *looked at the ground, blushed*

Taehyung: Ay Ay~~~ who is getting shy~~~♥♥♥

Y/N: Hehehe not me!!!

Taehyung: It is you!*tickling Y/N*

Y/N: Hahaha stop!!!

Jungkook: Ummm....Y/N I think you should get back to work!

Jungkook interrupted them out of nowhere and said in an annoyed yet angry tone. Taehyung understood the situation and mouthed to Y/N 'he is jealous' Y/N realised and signaled Taehyung to hang out tomorrow after work. He agreed and went away with a smile.

Y/N entered back in the office and ignored Jungkook who was acting weird. Minutes after minutes she felt someone staring at her and went back to work. There was complete silence when Jungkook broke it.

Jungkook: Hey! Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?

Y/N: PLEASE JUNGKOOK!!! *slammed the table*

Jungkook: *shocked, eyes widen*
Y/N: My friend is leaving forever it hurts!!!

And so she began crying again, leaving the office crying, leaving Jungkook behind speechless.

Yura who just entered the building after finishing her peaceful hours of sleep at home. Saw Y/N crying while heading to the washroom. Yura already knew a day before Y/N came to know and wanted to tell her but taehyung insisted on telling Y/N by himself about him leaving for Canada. Both Yura and Taehyung knew how much Jungkook liked Y/N but never showed his feelings.

After Y/N left, Yura entered their office and asked Jungkook as to what happened to Y/N.

Jungkook explained his feelings and angry Yura lectured him for an hour. Jungkook understood why Y/N mood swings changed and she became stressed.

At lunch~~~

Yura took Y/N to have some chit chat and eat delicious ramen. Taehyung who was going around telling his other friends about him leaving. Jungkook decided to hang out with him too.

Jungkook: Umm....ahhh....hey!

Taehyung: *smiles* Hi!!!

Jungkook: Came to know you're leaving!

Taehyung: yeah I am!

Jungkook: *quickly hugged him out of nowhere* Bro.....I-I am sorry if I ever upset you in anyway! Thankyou for helping me when I was new here!

Taehyung: Hehehe you're welcome! *ruffled his hair*

Jungkook: *messy hair, bunny smile* 

Yura/Y/N: WOW♥ SO CUTE~~♥

Taehyung/Jungkook: *smiles*

Y/N loved this new friendly side of Jungkook. He is really protective, caring and understanding too. Taehyung is right! Maybe I do like him back but I'll wait!

Jungkook: Hey how about we all make a plan for tomorrow since it's gonna be your last day!

Taehyung: Oh! Really? Cool~~♥

Y/N: Ok here is the invitation you all guys are coming to my house tomorrow!

Jungkook: Done!

Y/N and Jungkook kept smiling at each other not breaking eye contact!

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