my brothers

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"Marcus were the fuck did you put my damn phone?!" I wined searching for my phone.
"I didn't take it babe" he said. OK when he said that I kind of blushed. His morning voice is hella cute. I giggled and shook my head. "Check the couch. I know the last time I saw it was when you showed me the comments.
" oh yeah!" I said. I turned around quickly and went to the couch. I dug through the cushions and felt my phone.
"Ah ha!" I said proud. Marcus stood against the wall. He was looking at his phone and his eyes went wide.
"Lucas! Get down here now!" He yelled. I looked at him confused.
"What's going on Marcus?" A tired Lucas said coming down the stairs. Marcus showed him he I phone.
"Omg! No way! Really!?" Lucas said.
"Yup! I guess!" Marcus replied.
"Um....?" I said still lost.
"Our brothers are here. We have to pick them up!" Marcus said. I giggled.
"OK." I said. Lucas rushed up stairs to change.
"I can't wait for you to meet them. There gonna love you." Marcus said giving me a hug with a kiss on my head. He went up to change. Him and Lucas left.
"Wait Cyrus and Darius are coming?!" Jake said. I nodded
"Omg! Yay more Dobres!" Jake squealed like a fan girl. I laughed and decided to change. I looked for something nice but casual. Sweet but bad ass. Then I found this

I got dressed and went down stairs

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I got dressed and went down stairs.
"Tag your it" chance yelled. I saw him, Anthony, Tessa, Jake, and Erika start running away. I chased him. Anthony had his back to me  and Erika faced me. I gave her a look to distract him.
"Um chance what about we run this was. I don't think she will catch us." She said. I smirked and Anthony nodded. I started tuning again and jumped on his back.
"Your it!" I yelled. We all laughed and heard a door open. We all shoot our attention to the door. I was still on Anthony's back. Marcus and Lucas walked in. To older looking boys followed. That must be Cyrus and Darius. Jake went up to greet the guys. So did chance and Anthony. I slid off his back and stood by Marcus. After everyone hugged the two boys came up to me.
"Cyrus Darius this is Maddie... My girlfriend" Marcus said. They both looked ate each other surprised.
"Omg I new it! I saw that post on the team ten Twitter and I automatically though it was you guys!" Cyrus said making me blush. Darius nodded.
" yup same bro. Hey Maddie Darius and me were gonna take Lucas and Marcus out to dinner. You should join us." He said. I smiled.
"OK! I'd love to!" I said. They both smiled. Me and Marcus sat around u till we went out with the guys. Me Marcus and Lucas sat in the back while Dari can Cyrus sat up front. We all sang songs until we got to a sushi place.
"I hope you like sushi" Lucas said in excitement. I emailed as we entered.
"Omg hell yeah. I kill for good sushi!" I said. They laughed. We got to a round table with five chairs and sat down. I sat in between Marcus and Dari. While Lucas and Cyrus sat beside them.
"So how long have you guys been together?" Dari questions.
"About 1 or 2 weeks." I said. Marcus nodded and he held my. Hand.
"And you didn't call man?" Cyrus said shaking his head.
"Nope!" Marcus replied. I laughed and we finished eating. For the rest of the day we all hung out Cyrus and Dari were being weird.
"How do you like em'?" Marcus said.
"They seem reply cool" I said.
"Yup that's my brothers!" He said.
"But your my favorite!" I said. He kissed me and we watched a movie.

This is US//Marcus Dobre (Completed, Sequel Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now