Chapter 2

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1 Year Later (2010)

My mom and Charles had gotten married only two weeks after they told me about their relationship. In my opinion everything had moved way too fast but then again they had been together for a year before they agreed to marry so I guess that was enough time to them.

My mom and I moved into Charles' house. I had to admit his home was beautiful and spacious but it was still difficult to leave my childhood home. All of the memories I made with my dad were tied to that home.

Charles tried to pretend like he understood my reluctance to leave my home but I could tell it bothered him that I didn't want to live with him. In the end my mom played mediator to bring us together. I was the only one who gave in. I was forced to leave my home and move in with a man I hardly knew at the time.

Now things were a little better. Charles and I were cordial to each other but we never quite clicked which was fine by me. I couldn't explain it but there was something off about him. My evaluation of him was never voiced to my mom. She was head over heels for Charles and I wasn't sure if she'd even listen. He seemed to feel the same way about her so I kept my uneasiness to myself.

Lately it was becoming increasingly difficult to be pleasant toward Charles. He had started interfering in my life. He wasn't my father so his opinions were unwarranted and unwanted. He made comments on what I wore, where I went, and who I hung out with. My mom thought it was cute and that he was showing his protective side but I saw it as him showing his controlling side.

Instead of trying to fight a battle I knew I'd lose I channeled my frustrations into a more productive activity, I wrote in a journal. In my journal I vented and made plans for my future. I wanted to become a nurse and help people who were sick like my dad was. I studied hard and made good grades so I could not only get into college but earn a scholarship as well. I was afraid of leaving my mom before but now that she had Charles I didn't have to worry about her being alone.

At the moment I was in my room preparing for the midterm I had in two days. It was about time for a break since I'd been studying and quizzing myself for the last hour and a half.

Upon my arrival in the kitchen I noticed Charles was in there pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Internally I cringed at my timing because now I would be forced to make small talk with him.

"Hey Charles," I greeted him with a fake smile. Before answering me he leaned his back against the counter behind him and took a sip of his drink, all the while keeping his eyes on me in an unnerving manner.

"Jasmine," He said with a slight nod of his head. "What are you up to?"

"Just taking a short break from studying. Is my mom here?" I asked. I hadn't seen her all day but that didn't mean she was actually gone. This house was big which was nice most of the time since it kept me from running into Charles. However, occasionally we we were in the same vicinity like we were now without my mom to ease the tension.

"She went to a doctor's appointment," he casually said. My stomach dropped at his words.

"A doctor's appointment?" I echoed.

"Yes, she's getting some tests done. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," he assured me but I could see the concern in his eyes.

I had noticed my mom looked much more tired lately and had lost some weight. I thought it wasn't serious but maybe it was if she was getting tests done. Without another word I took the water bottle I had gotten from the fridge up to my room and tried to shake the bad feeling that had taken a hold of me.


A week later my mom had received her test results and shared them with Charles and I together at the kitchen table. We found out she had stage 3 colon cancer. The disease had spread quickly because she had an aggressive form of the cancer. She originally thought nothing was wrong with her but when she found blood in her stool more than once she finally went to see her doctor. At this point she had gotten a late diagnosis.

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