Chapter 17.5

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Looking over my shoulder at my reflection in my full length mirror my eyes zeroed in on my ass. I swear this dress wasn't this tight last week! Damn Jasmine and her junk food addiction. She always forced me to indulge with her when we were together. Unlike her I couldn't eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound. I guess I couldn't really be mad at her since she came through and found me a date, even if that date was...Caleb.

That man may be sexy as hell but he was also infuriating and arrogant. Even knowing this, butterflies fluttered in my stomach knowing he would be here in about thirty minutes. Growling in frustration I went to my closet to find another dress. I'd convinced myself finding the perfect dress had nothing to do with Caleb. He was out with another woman last night for goodness' sake!

I laughed at myself in a self-deprecating way. I always fell for the same type of guys, ones who could never commit. That's why I'd been drawn to Josh when I'd first met him, I was trying to break the cycle.

He was adorable, but not my usual type. I'd never in my life had to coax a guy to make eye contact with me. I couldn't even tell if I'd felt a connection with him. It was like pulling teeth trying to get anything out of him. I knew he was shy but last week it seemed like he was uninterested.

Refocusing on finding a dress I skimmed through my closet. My choices were limited because I'd already done my make-up. Near the back of my closet I found a dress I forgot I had. It would go perfectly. It was a cream-colored spaghetti strap dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was covered with deep red roses. Slipping, or more like peeling, off my too-tight dress I dropped it on the floor. Quickly I snagged the other dress off the hanger and hurriedly put it on.

I still had to do my hair and find jewelry to match and Caleb would be here in only 20 minutes. Unless, being tardy was another one of his winning traits.

I hated that I wasted time to find another dress but I could hardly move in the last one I had on. I decided to attempt to give myself some voluminous curls but we would see how that went.

Twenty minutes later on the dot my doorbell was ringing and plot twist, I was ready! Silently I cheered myself on as I strut to the door.

If it hadn't been for years of practicing being unimpressed by a man's looks, my jaw would have connected to the floor at the sight of Caleb. The man looked stupid hot.

I mean, damn.

Why did this man have to look that good? It was going to be impossible for me to be focused all day. I groaned.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his deep voice.

"What?" my eyes snapped up to meet his blue ones.

"You just groaned. It sounded like you were in pain," he explained.

"Oh," I blushed to my dismay. I didn't blush. What was he doing to me?

Squeezing my clutch purse tight I said, "I'm fine, let's go."

"What about these?" He held out a bouquet of peonies to me.

How did I not notice them before? I was too busy thinking dirty thoughts about him, that's how. Keep it together girl!

"Thank you Caleb. That's sweet but, you know this isn't a real date, right?"

I had to stay in control. This man was not serious about me. I reminded myself that Jasmine set this up.

He frowned. "Right," he shook his head slightly, "Right. I know I just...we didn't get off to a great start last week so I wanted to show you I'm not the asshole you think I am."

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