Chapter 19

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With my new security system installed I felt much safer at home. There were cameras outside and an alarm system inside. Zeke had insisted I take every precaution at home to remain safe. To ensure my safety and comfort he had been spending the night quite often, at least a couple times a week. He rotated the days so there wasn't a predictable schedule.

I felt awful about how I had snapped at him the first night he stayed over. He was only trying to help me and I accused him of actions out of his character. Zeke was not Charles and he already proved himself to me. Occasionally I had to remind myself of that. To be honest I adored Zeke and looked forward to seeing him whenever I could. Being with him made my heart feel full.

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be with him the way that I wanted, as more than friends. Every now and then I'd catch him watching me in a way that used to unnerve me, but it sort of excited me. However, I could never bring myself to act on my instincts. I would stay in my safe 'single and not ready to mingle' bubble that I had created. No harm could reach me in there.

Part of me recognized how unfair I was being to Zeke, asking him to stay with me but at the same time keeping him at arm's length. And yet, I refused to let him go. Even if I didn't have him I wouldn't want him with anyone else.

Much to my delight Angela was back to being her dramatic self. It had been a rough few weeks but I finally got through to her. One day I bombarded her at her house and refused to leave until she talked to me about what was going on. Eventually she broke down and gave me all the details of her date with Caleb.

I had squealed when she told me Caleb kissed her and in the next breath I threatened to do Caleb bodily harm for his callous attitude afterwards. When I calmed down I realized he was probably just being considerate of his little brother's feelings. I assumed he didn't want to stand in the way of Angela and Josh's potential relationship.

Even after explaining my theory to her she was adamant that Caleb wasn't really interested in her. She told me she was swearing off men for the foreseeable future after her date with Caleb. She'd even called Josh to apologize for making him feel uncomfortable. He told her he thought she was great but there was someone else he was interested in.

Like me, he asked her how her date with Caleb went because apparently Caleb was lashing out at him and Zeke lately. I thought that would be all the confirmation she needed to know Caleb was miserable without her, but she found some was to deny it. I had given up trying to convince her after that. One thing I knew about my best friend was that she was very stubborn.

I knew there was no way she'd reach out to Caleb. I also knew that Caleb wouldn't reach out to her. They were so much alike, covering up their longing for each other with hostility and denial. So naturally I believed it was my responsibility to bring the two of them together.

Even though I'd never dabbled in it myself I was a sucker for romance. Especially if it involved two of my favorite people. I shipped them so hard! They would be the cutest couple. They just needed a loving shove into each others' arms. I was sure they'd thank me for it.


"Jasmine, I don't think this is a good idea," Zeke gently chided.

"Do you have a better one?" I whispered into the phone.

Tonight was the night I was moving forward with my plan to get Caleb and Angela together.

After a slight pause Zeke reluctantly replied, "No."

"Hmm," I replied smugly.

I could hear a door opening and closing on the other end. Zeke must have gone somewhere for privacy.

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