Chapter 30

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Gradually, I awoke to muffled, angry voices.

"That's bullshit! She needs to rest after what she's just gone through!" I recognized the gruff voice of my boyfriend anywhere. It was the owner of the other voice that I was unsure of.

"I know that Bryant," the second voice sounded much calmer, but stern at the same time. "I'm not talking about waking her up. We just need to talk to her as soon as she's conscious. You're not thinking clearly right now. If it was anybody else--"

"But it's not anybody else," Zeke's hard voice cut in. "It's my fucking woman in there! She's not talking to you until she's ready."

My head was pounding. I was sure straining to hear their conversation that was taking place outside of the room didn't help matters. I had yet to open my eyes to assess my surroundings, but from the familiar smells and sounds I knew I was in a room at Midwestern. What had happened to me?

My throat felt raw and sore and my body ached all over. With some effort I pried my eyes open and saw that I was in the room alone. Through the window that faced the hallway, I could see Zeke arguing with a man I didn't know. Unaware that I was awake, they continued on.

"I'm not asking you Bryant. You can either be in there to comfort her as I get her statement, or you can keep fighting me and be escorted out. Decision is up to you."

The man looked to be in his late forties or early fifties.  He looked fit for his age and gave off an air of someone you didn't want to mess with despite not being tall and bulky like Zeke. He stood waiting for Zeke to respond. As he did so, he glanced through the window at me. His eyes slightly widened when he saw I was watching him. He quickly recovered from his surprise before prompting Zeke again.

"Make your decision now. She's awake," he said and walked around Zeke to enter my room.

Zeke gave no answer but was right behind the man as they both cautiously came in. Upon entering the room Zeke anxiously looked at me, but when our eyes met he immediately looked away. It wasn't before I could see the pain, anger, and most of all, guilt in his eyes. He looked almost as terrible as I felt. His hair was unruly as if he'd been rubbing his hands through it continuously. His eyes were red rimmed. I didn't take that as a good sign.

I stared at him, silently begging him to look at me again, but he kept his gaze averted. I needed him now more than ever and he was pulling away from me.

"Ms. Daniels," the other man spoke, dragging my eyes away from Zeke to him.

My mind seemed a little foggy so I couldn't remember all the details that this man was most likely here for. I didn't respond right away so he gathered my attention again.

"Ms. Daniels, I'm Captain Jack Miller from the police department. Detective Bryant has told me a lot about you. I'm sorry about the timing, and I know this will be difficult for you, however, I do need you to tell me everything that transpired between you and Mr. Brentworth when he attacked you," he spoke up again in an even voice.

"Um," my voice sounded raspy and foreign. I coughed at the strain I felt from speaking just one word.

Zeke was beside me in an instant, pouring water from a pitcher into a cup for me. I hadn't noticed the table next to my bed. Thankfully, I accepted the water and sipped it. The cool water soothed my aching throat as I drank every drop in the small cup. Captain Miller looked at me with concern while Zeke glared at him.

"This is what I was afraid of. She's not ready! She can't even speak!" his voice began to raise again.

Captain Miller looked over at him seemingly annoyed and ready to retort.

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