Chapter 4

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Toward the end of my senior year I learned that in Charles' deranged mind he had staked some sort of claim on me. I felt trapped. There seemed to be no one in my corner. Charles' reputation around town prevented anyone from believing me. While people did give me their condolence for the loss of my mother, in the next breath they were praising Charles for being an outstanding stepfather.

I also went to the sheriff's station and received no sympathy. The officer I spoke to said that even if he did believe me it would be my word against Charles'. When I said that I was willing to take that chance he told me to quit whining and be grateful a brat like me had a roof over her head.

Feeling defeated I came home that day and was confronted by Charles. Apparently the officer I spoke to was a buddy of his from high school. That was one of the downfalls of living in a small town, everyone knew everyone.

After that first time Charles made me sit in his lap in his office he freely caressed and touched me whenever he pleased. If I fought him it only made it worse so I would just close my eyes and wait for him to stop.

What got me through each day was the thought of leaving for college soon. I already chose which school I would attend. Now all that was left was to wait and pack. I would only bring my clothes and some of my mother's belongings with me. I wanted nothing that reminded me of this house or Charles.

I wasn't too concerned about money. My mom and I had a secret stash of money that even Charles wasn't aware of. She had told me it was for a 'rainy day.' If my situation wasn't the epitome of a rainy day I didn't know what was. I had long since recovered the money and re-hid it in a safe place that I could easily access. My time with Charles was coming closer to an end. I would graduate in 3 weeks and then be about 2 months away from move in day at my dorm.

Today when I had left for school Charles had been in a cheery mood but I had no idea how he would be when I got home. His mood swings were unpredictable. I slipped my key into the door and headed inside. Dropping my backpack on the floor near the door I then slipped my shoes off. As I came further inside I found Charles was waiting for me near the stairs. My steps faltered and slowed. Why couldn't he just leave me alone for once?

"Your 18th birthday is coming up Jasmine," he unnecessarily reminded me. I stopped in front of him. I could tell he was in a conversational mood.

"Not for like 4 months Charles. You know I'm a Virgo," I said while crossing my arms. It was only May so I didn't know why he was bringing my birthday up so early.

"Yes of course but it's never too early to plan. We must do something special to celebrate! Do you have anything you'd like to do?" He asked.

Get away from you.

"Not really," I answered aloud.

"Well I have a few ideas if you don't mind. How do you feel about picking out some jewelry?" He offered.

"Um...ok..." I drawled out.

"Perhaps a ring?" He suggested.

"Why would you buy me a ring?" My eyes narrowed with my question. That was oddly specific of him to say.

"Just so you have something to show everyone you're taken," he said in a casual tone. My head tilted slightly at his words.

"...But I'm not taken," I rebuffed. His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed before he spoke again.

"Yet, but you will be. When you turn 18 we're moving and getting married," he informed me.

"What?!" I screeched. I had nearly forgotten my voice could get so loud. For this past year I had tried to draw as little attention to myself as possible by being much quieter and dressing conservatively. I had thought if I made myself less appealing Charles would lose interest but he hadn't. That fact was just made glaringly clear.

"You heard me baby girl," he moved closer to me in an effort to press his hand to my cheek. This time I moved away to prevent him from touching me.

"Why do you want me?" I asked perplexed. None of this made sense to me. I was much younger than him. What did he see in me?

"I've told you before. You look just like your mother and you also have the same fiery spirit. You could almost pass for her twin. I was devastated when she first became ill and when I found out she wasn't going to live much longer I thought it would crush me," he paused lowering his head. I guess he really had loved my mother despite my previous doubt of him.

Regaining his composure he continued, "But then I realized I could have a second chance with you. Life is giving me a second chance with you. We can move and start all over some place new." He brushed his fingers across my cheek as he finished.

The dam inside of me that had been holding in all my emotions the past year broke after I heard his delusional admittance.

"You are crazier than I thought if you think I'd ever agree to marrying you you deranged old pervert!" I punctuated my refusal with a resounding slap to his face. The sound was amplified by the tile-floored room we stood in.

For a moment Charles stood frozen in front of me, his face showing shock at my attack. The next moment his shock gave way to fury. With one arm Charles yanked my body to his causing my face to slam into his chest painfully. His other hand tugged my hair relentlessly. My head, now tilted back, brought our faces closer together. Now mere inches separated our lips.

Desperately trying to dislodge myself from his hold I pressed against his chest with one hand and reached up to ease the firm grip he had on my hair. While I struggled Charles showed no signs of exhaustion. In fact, there seemed to be a new and frightening gleam in his eyes.

"You listen to me you little chit," he said in a quiet tone contradictory to the current wrathful state he was in, "we are getting married once you turn 18. You're mine and you always will be. You might as well get used to the idea right now."

Directly after his proclamation he crushed his lips to mine in a brutal kiss. It was not only my first kiss from him it was my first kiss ever. I whimpered at the pain he was inflicting. My struggles didn't deter him in the least.

Tears burned my eyes when I felt his tongue against my lips. I kept my mouth firmly shut refusing to give him access. Growing frustrated he released my hair from his grasp to squeeze my jaw tightly making me gasp in pain. This gave him the access he had been fighting for and his tongue swept through my mouth once, twice before he ended the kiss.

Breathless from the kiss I stood panting and shaking. My eyes remained securely closed but I felt Charles gently rest his forehead against mine.

"Oh baby girl you taste delicious. That's just a preview of what's to come once we're married. I can hardly wait," he said in a husky tone. He lightly caressed my backside as he spoke. I fought to keep my tears at bay. I would not let him see me break. He gave me a squeeze and a smack.

"Darling what a magnificent ass you've got. What a shame you try to hide it under all of those ill fitting clothes. No matter, when we're married that will change. Now run along so you can think over everything I've told you," he released me and gave me a small push with his hand at the small of my back.

I wasted no time in running from him and up to my room before he could see me burst into tears. My tears seemed to have an endless supply. I couldn't stop crying.

Why did I have to provoke him? I knew how his temper was so I should have kept my mouth shut. Even more so since I already knew I wouldn't be here once my birthday rolled around.

My reaction was completely unexpected though. I surprised myself at how fierce my denial had been but when I felt my freedom threatened I had lashed out. I hated feeling cornered and I was certain thanks to Charles I always would.

Once I was able to calm myself down I came to a decision. As soon as I graduated, which was only 3 weeks away, I would leave this place and never return. My plan was to buy a bus ticket and find a place to stay until I could move into my dorm. Anything would be better and safer than staying with Charles.

A genuine smile spread across my face as I pictured the panic Charles would experience when I left him. That day I vowed to myself to never allow another man to control me or any aspect of my life. I would rediscover myself while I was in college and hopefully free myself from Charles once and for all.

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