Chapter 10

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Before I left Zeke's room he told me he was going to call his brothers to pick him up. He asked me to come say goodbye which I agreed to but was secretly dreading. To say I was going to miss seeing him everyday at work was an understatement. Room 324 would always have a special meaning to me now.

I ran my hands over my face to try to clear my head so I could focus on my job.

"Hey Jas!" I heard my best friend's voice and footsteps follow behind me.

Pasting on a fake smile I turned around to face her, "Hey!"

She frowned at me, "What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing," I lied.

I was rewarded with a deadpan look. I should have known I couldn't hide anything from Angela. She knew me better than anyone.

"Zeke is leaving today," my voice sounded pathetic even to me.

"Oh Jas, you always have a tough time when your patients leave but I know this is different," she hugged me to herself.

For a moment I rested my head on her shoulder then straightened. We didn't exactly have privacy standing in the middle of the hallway.

Speaking in a hushed voice I scarcely knew she was capable of, Angela said, "I saw Dr. Myles a little while ago. He was red faced and looked like he wanted to hit something. I know it had something to do with you. What happened?"

I let out a chuckle and rolled my eyes. She couldn't resist. One minute she was showing her concern for me and in the next breath she was asking for juicy details. God I loved my best friend. It was never a dull moment with her.

"Now is not the time. We both have work to do," I scolded her at the same time as I began to walk to another patient's room.

"Come on, have mercy! I'm dying to know what went down!" She begged.

Stopping at the door I swiveled to her, "Angela, please!" I whispered.

"Ugh, fine!" she relented. "But I'm coming over after work and you are going to tell me everything."


"Dude you should've seen it! He chickened out before he even got her name! All he got out was 'hi' before he blushed and bailed!" Caleb, one of Zeke's little brothers, was retelling a story when I walked into room 324 later that day. Not wanting to interrupt I hovered at the doorway.

A little earlier I noticed Caleb and Josh, Zeke's other little brother, come in while I was going in to a different patient's room. When I had finished with that patient I came here.

Honestly little might not be the most accurate word to describe either one of them. They were both nearly as tall as Zeke. Josh was the youngest at 19 and still lanky, but Caleb who was 25 almost matched his brother Zeke in height and bulk.

The first time I met them I was intimidated by their size but they were just as kind to me as Zeke. Caleb was a huge flirt but it didn't make me uncomfortable. Zeke came close to throttling his brother when Caleb hit on me. Seeing Zeke in that state frightened me and when he realized that he apologized profusely. I had told him he owed his brother an apology to which he appeared gobsmacked. When Zeke saw I was serious he grudgingly apologized. Caleb howled with laughter and told me he wished I was always around.

Josh was quieter and a little shy. When he introduced himself he had stumbled over his words and turned bright red. I found him adorable and endearing.

"It's not funny Caleb! I was nervous and afraid she wouldn't like me," Josh defended in his low voice.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known. Zeke was the first to notice me, when he did he gave me a heart stopping smile that obliterated any thought in my mind. The corners of my mouth lifted returning the smile. We stood there staring at each other so long I forgot we weren't alone in the room.

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