Chapter 3

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After two long years of battling cancer my mom passed away. Towards the end I resigned myself toward her death. I couldn't be selfish any longer. I didn't want her to suffer anymore. Even though I tried to prepare myself it didn't prevent the pain I experienced when she finally died.

She had died right before my senior year of high school started. All I wanted to do was graduate and move out of Charles' house. My focus was now going to be on my future.

My mother's parents came to see her right before she died. They hadn't seen her since she married my dad when she was 20. They disowned her for marrying a poor man who was much older than her. My mom had come from a wealthy background and her parents felt she had married beneath her. She told me all about her parents after my dad died and I had gotten a little older. Needless to say it was anything but a loving reunion for us all.

Of course they loved Charles. He was charming, successful, and he had money to take care of their dying daughter. They were so shallow it made me sick to be in the same room as them.

After my mom's funeral service Charles had assured them I would be well taken care of. They didn't even try to hide their relief that I wouldn't be moving in with them, not that I'd want to. As much as Charles made me uncomfortable I didn't want anything from my cold grandparents who were never present in my life. I figured I could endure a year with Charles before I went off to college.

He had no knowledge of my plans and I wasn't about to share them with him. When we got home from the burial site I headed straight to my room. I needed to grieve for my mother in private. After about 30 minutes Charles came in without knocking. Quickly sitting up from my sprawled out position on my bed I swiped at my tears attempting to appear somewhat composed.

Sniffling I asked, "Charles what are you doing in here? I'd really like to be alone right now." That wasn't exactly true. Right now I wanted someone to hold me. I wanted my mom. Unfortunately I was stuck with Charles.

Ever since my mom's condition had taken a turn for the worst he had been acting odd around me. He would comment on my appearance saying how beautiful I looked and give me weird looks. When my mom was still alive I didn't focus on what he did so much because I gave her all of my attention but now that it was just me and Charles I didn't know what to expect from him.

"I came to check on you. You really shouldn't be alone at a time like this. Come here," he ordered.

I sat motionless staring up at him. Placing his hand over his heart as if my hesitancy wounded him he gave me a playful smile.

"Don't look so afraid. I just want to hold you. You look like you need it," he reassured me.

I did need it. Despite my mistrust of him I found myself standing to my feet and making my way over to him. I stopped in front of him with my arms hanging down my sides. Gingerly he wrapped his arms around me. Slowly I rested my head on his chest and allowed him to hold me. I sobbed for the loss of my mother and the predicament I was now in.

He held me as long as I cried without trying to quiet me or push me away. Eventually my tears subsided yet he still continued to hold me while rubbing circles on my back. With each pass his hand began to move lower and lower until he was nearly touching my backside. Reaching my behind me I caught his hand with mine and leaned back to look up at him.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammered.

"Shh," he cooed while bringing both of his hands up to frame my face. "I'm going to take good care of you baby girl."

"You don't get to call me that!" I screamed at him. "That was my mom's special name for me!"

He chuckled at my outburst but didn't release me.

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