❄ three

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I'm such a disappointment, Hiccup tells himself as he scratches the back of his head and follows the queen to her studies.

Hiccup had heard about Elsa's magical powers from rumors. He told her that he has come here with his father's honor, but truly what he came here for is to witness the underlying magic beneath her.

His father, Stoik, has been calling Elsa as 'Snow Queen' in one of their conversations back at Berk.

"If dragons exist, then snow queens do, too." Stoik had said.

And Hiccup wants to see her weild the element of ice, make a snowflake or somewhat. But he doesn't plan on using it for bad purposes, he just wants to believe that what his father had told him is true.

Watching the queen walk is seemingly much more discipline than Hiccup's father has ever been in his entire life, and he's a ruler of a village.

The way she walks with a define posture is seemingly, attractive to him.

Hiccup looks around Elsa's study. Hardbounds are neatly stacked on every table and shelf existing in the whole room. A portrait of the former king and queen behind the study table catches his attention, he has heard the death of them both, he could barely imagine the overwhelming grief their loved ones were feeling.

The pleasuring shrieks of seagulls are still audible although the docks look a mile away from the window.

"Everything seems so peaceful here, Your Majesty." Hiccup comments with a crooked smile.

"Not everything. And, please call me Elsa."

"Queen Elsa?"

"Just Elsa."

Hiccup's eyes follow Elsa walk around the room, placing materials back and forth. After she has settled, she takes a seat on her chair. Hiccup remains standing in front of the table, hands crossed on his back.

Elsa dips a feather pen on a vial of ink and begins to jot down words from her thoughts. "So Hiccup, do you have a full name?"

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III."

"HHH." Elsa murmurs as she writes his name down as well. She placed her signature on her name, as Hiccup does the same. "To finalize our alliance, we must have a celebration."

"Your Majesty-"

"Elsa." She cuts in, chuckling.

"Elsa, uhm, I don't really think throwing a party is a good idea right now."

Elsa's eyes narrow in disbelief. "Why do you think so?"

"The countries from the South are declaring war in a few months. The reason why we are requesting for your alliance is to simply help you and your kingdom prepare for the attack." Hiccup pauses and lets Elsa to process it all for a second. "Didn't you know?"

"I know there is a war. But to help me and my kingdom? What do you think of me? A weak queen?" Elsa's anger begins to fume up.

Hiccup knew what she was capable of. One fuel of her anger, he's dead with a cold heart. "Elsa, I didn't come here as an enemy. I came here as a friend, who's offering a helping hand... if you need it."

Silence fogs up the whole room for a full minute. Elsa starts walking away, to the nearest window to catch some air. There she takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down.

I promised myself not to lose it in front of a guest, she thought to herself, especially if he's capable of defeating me even if I have ice powers.

"I'm sorry, Hiccup." She turns to face him again, frowning apologetically. He gives her a wry smile. "I just have a bad temper."

"Don't worry. My Dad's temper is bad too." He says. Elsa smiles, feeling comfortable now that he's being empathic. "I mean, like, in a 'shut up and don't tell me what to do' bad."

She chuckles, leaning back against the window sill. They awkwardly stare at each other. Elsa's icy blue eyes met Hiccup's forest green ones like lightning and thunder striking in the perfect timing.

That is, until the door opens, breaking their eye contact.

A maid peaks her head in. When she meets Elsa's bashful gaze, she apologies and closes the door again, safely without beheading herself.

"That was awkward." Hiccup mutters.

"Will you be staying here for a while?" Asks Elsa with a bemused smile after the interruption.

Hiccup scratches the back of his head. "Uh, can we? I mean only if you permit us to. Arendelle is really really beautiful."

Just like its queen, he add in his mind.


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