❄️ twenty seven

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"Was that Elsa?" Anna asks slowly, entering the balcony, her eyes reflecting the fleeing Night Fury in the ethereal sky. His mind in storm, Hiccup hummed questionably. "Hiccup, answer me!" The princess demanded, throttling the dragon rider's wakefulness alive.

"U-Uh, yes it was her..."

The fiery redhead crossed her arms as Hiccup scratches his head.

"Tell me where she's going. She's going to Rorke, right?"

Anxiously, Hiccup begins making a few steps back as Anna flexed a punch in funny rage. "P-Please don't do this. You're with child!"

"She shouldn't be facing the enemy alone, not without me!" The princess cried, choking out real sobs. "A-And you shouldn't have let her go all alone... You idiot!"

"Princess, please calm down. Honestly you are wasting your tears. Your sister knows what she's doing."

"What is she doing exactly?"

Hiccup wanted to slap himself across the face. This must be what he once heard of, being 'pregnant drunk'.

"You know Elsa is a very powerful and strategic ice queen. It's hard to be faithful right now, but it was hard for me to let her go earlier too..."

"What made you let her go?" Anna asked intently, knowing full well Hiccup cared too much about Elsa to just do such a thing.

"Trust." Hiccup smiled. "I put trust in her, and she promised me."

Trying to process everything he just said, Anna walked in a full circle in the balcony, her hand placed on her chin.




The castle was gone. What was once the remnant for blissful memories and the only memento of her parents. Her home had been abandoned, invaded and stolen... And now, gone. Burned down into the ground.

Elsa could feel it, her monsters awakening once again. She's conscious of it, though she made no resistance. All hell was going to break loose and sooner, later, Rorke is going to have his head on a stake. No, he needs more torture. To make the psychopath know what it's like to burn down someone's home.

"You shouldn't be here, lassy." One of Rorke's soldiers said to the cloaked woman standing out in the ruin of ashes. Little did he know, she wasn't just a 'lassy' from the town.

With one swift move, the impact of the bouquet of pointed ice separates the head from the body of the soldier.

His friends, not far from where he last heaved his final breath, froze. Literally.

Other soldiers in the area sought for vengeance, sprinting across the clearing, hungry for the Queen's blood. Breath inhaled, Elsa spun around and knives made of solid ice fly through their bodies. Their bodies dropped limp on the hard cement floor, pooling in puddles of their mixed blood.

Elsa towered amongst three men who seemed to still be conscious.

"Have mercy!"



Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy!

It echoed in Elsa's mind as it delves her into a trance. Her burning blue eyes seemed to soften. She was being reconsidered for one quick moment.

"Where is Rorke?" She asked quietly, her calm tone haunting in the scene.

"We don't know!" They cried. "Let us go please!"

She sighed heavily, opening her eyes to reveal they were now glowing—illuminating. "No." If the first batch hadn't ended their miseries, the second batch did. And the ice queen was just as happy.


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