❄ eighteen

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Hiccup tramps away and flies off with Toothless. Astrid was about to chase him when Snotlout tells her, "let him go." She agreed later on and went back to Arendelle with Rorke's fleet.

Hiccup heads to South as they head for North. "I shouldn't worry about a country I was never told to worry about." He tells Toothless as the dragon ascends a couple of meters from the ground. "But Elsa's missing, and I feel like it for once."

Toothless grumbles in agreement.

"Ugh, where is she by the way? Bud, can you track her down for me?"

Toothless shakes his head. Hiccup groans as he unattached himself from his dragon. Then without expecting, he falls off and spreads his artificial wings. He'd done this stunt before, like a thousand times because he'd use it as an escapade from overthinking too much about his father's death.

"I think I should end things with Astrid." Hiccup frowns. "Right, bud?-"

Before Toothless could respond at such a stupid question, thick gloomy clouds with odd blue lightning zaps catches their attention. The color of the lightning looks familiar. Toothless dodges from one and his artificial tail wing almost got burnt.

Watching from afar, Hiccup's eyes widen upon the horrible sight of a small island fogged with thick blizzard of snow.

"Elsa. She must be down there somewhere." Hiccup had thought aloud.

~ ¤ ~


The screams, it's making me want to burn their village down than to watch them freeze to death. Not far from where Elsa stood, a cottage had finally resist the large amount of snow piling on its roof and collapses. Its dwellers run out of the house, and some children jumped from the second floor.

Her army of ice monsters have abducted some younglings from their homes and throwing them in front of the snow queen.

"Elsa!" Hiccup appears after half an hour of digging his way into the snow. His hair has been ruffled with white which made it difficult for him to see clearly. But he is sure the woman he saw was her, under all the villainous façade. When he sees the line of kneeling children in front of her he quickly takes two steps forward and presses, "you don't have to do this. You're better than this!"

"Please don't hurt me." The little boy in front of her begs with freezing tears.

Elsa ignores him as she beheads the little boy with one slash of her blazing hand. Hiccup froze in disbelief, confused, afraid. Will this be what his consciousness has been telling him? Will she finally kill him right this second?

Elsa turns around at last, wanting to see his reaction. "Hello, Hiccup." Her voice made him feel like he doesn't know her anymore.

Scowling bravely, Hiccup says, "I want to talk to Elsa."

"You are talking to Elsa." She chuckles. Elsa's chuckle.

Hiccup had noticed the heavy pouring of snowflakes have slowed down. "Then I want to talk you, the real you."

"This is the real me." She scowls and the blizzard comes back.

Hiccup takes a careful step forward. "But without the blazing eyes and hands and everything."

Elsa's eyes reduced brightness, and her frizzy platinum blonde hair have returned to silky straight. Her aura changes as well.

For a moment, he thought she would never listen.

The first person she sees was Hiccup. She smiles at him, but jumps when she sees the beheaded boy lying in his own pool of blood. "Oh, God." The boy's parents slide down to their son's corpse with tears cascading down their faces. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"YOU MONSTER!!!" The mother screams at her.

She backs away, frightened, and walks out of the clearing. Hiccup follows her silently and gives one last apologetic look at the parents.

Elsa stops when they're now alone. There she sprawls to the thick layers of snow and bursts into tears. "She's right. I'm such a monster!" She weeps, letting Hiccup hug her from the back. "Hiccup?"

"Yes?" He replies under his breath.

"Kill me. I want you to kill me." She then turns to face him with pleading eyes.

"No, Elsa."

"But I'm a monster. And a monster like me who just killed someone's son, an innocent child... needs to be sentenced to death!"

"But everybody deserves a second chance."

"Not me, and you know it, you saw me kill a child." She says, still begging. Dark blue eyes connecting with his green ones that are full of light.

Hiccup does feel mad about Elsa, but he knew the person who made this destruction wasn't her, it was a monster. And Elsa wasn't a monster, she was a human being, but gifted with the power to wield ice.

He kneels down in front of her on the burning cold snow. It was freezing, the faint air felt so solid that the cold went through his armor and fleece. Hiccup squeezes her shoulder gently before placing his other shaking hand on her reddening cheek which has been wet with her own tears. "If I kill you, I might as well kill myself too." He says, his voice trying hard not to waver.

hope u like the edit I made!!

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