❄ eight

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"Summertime!" Olaf exclaims when he reaches the town grounds, playing Tag with his buddies that Elsa 'accidentally' made at Anna's birthday.

Back at the castle, Elsa had woke up to a beautiful morning, and to a folded tissue paper at her night table. Reading it, it included no hint of whom the writer was. And it wasn't even a letter, it was a poem. Her and Jack's poem, she remembered.

Snowflakes are beautiful, pure and white. And just like us, no one or two flaws unlike.'

The first thing that came in her mind is Hiccup, and next is Anna. But the poem wasn't popular, only Elsa knows about it. There could only be one person to blame. And that is Jack Frost, the boy who shares her abilities.

Excitement entering her veins, Elsa quickly dresses up to a disguise; a peasant dress and a rugged cloak.

Heading out, she clutches the tissue paper in her hand and pulls back a white tendril of her crown-braided hair.

She needs to go to the forest, where she used to go at as a child. She needs to reassure herself that her childhood best friend is back.

Luckily, none of the servants she passed on the way didn't recognized her, except their brows would furrow in confusion, but none of them followed her out of curiosity. Except for someone who's all about it.

"Elsa, are you in a...?" Anna trails off.

"I'm heading out for the day. To uh, give myself a walk." She lies.

"All by yourself? No no. You need company."

"I'm gonna bring Olaf with me."

"Olaf's busy playing Tag right now."


"So I should be the one to accompany you."

"No, I'm an introvert, meaning I prefer being accompanied by myself."

"Wait, I smell something fishy." Anna lean in and sniffs near Elsa's neck.

Elsa leans away, scoffing. "Stay here and go have breakfast, Anna."

"Stay here and go have breakfast, Anna." Anna mimicks, earning a vicious glare from her sister.

Elsa proceeds on heading out, also keeping an eye on the way for Olaf, secretly for the cute and nerdy-looking dragon rider.

When she passed by the docks, the coast was clear. When she stopped by at the morning market, he wasn't there either. He still must be sleeping, Elsa thought. With his lover naked on top of him. Jesus. I need to focus on Jack here.

Elsa met Jack when she was only a kid, when Anna was only a toddler. His face is blurred in her only remaining memory of him. All she could see is silver hair and blue eyes that are similar to hers.

Reaching the end of Arendelle's mainland, she takes a deep sigh before pulling herself to the forest. She's never trekked in these woods for somewhat a decade, so it's a possibility she might get lost.

"I just hope that treehouse we made still exists," she tells herself.

Following the road to the next country which is a hundred miles away, she turned to an almost nonexistent footpath then. The path was all rocks covered in thick mosses and grass. It ended on a big foliage of bush, and after crawling through it, a familiar blue spirit orb appears.

It was the same one she saw as a kid. The orb moves fast, and Elsa tries to keep up. It disappeared after a minute of making Elsa crawl through another family of bushes.

And the voice at the back of her mind was right, the treehouse is still there, except nature somehow found its way to own it. Pushing through a curtain of vines in the treehouse's entrance, she couldn't believed who she saw inside.

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