❄ thirteen

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Hiccup couldn't believed it. The person he's been blaming for what he is right now, has returned. Though Hiccup wasn't sure whether or not it was him. Maybe because it's Jack's complete change of hair? Well, whatever this is, Hiccup is not sure what to react.

Sure he missed his brother, but did he really have to come back in the wrong timing?

Tossing and turning for what seemed like an enternity, Hiccup gave up and sneaked out Toothless for a flight. He was so desperate to escape from the ground that he didn't waste time to change from his sleepwear. At the ground, it was all too problematic that he couldn't even sleep. But now that he's back above the clouds again, he finally can.

Leaning back, Hiccup closes his eyes and breaths back slowly, imagining the air as his problems escape from his body.

"I should've brought Elsa with me." He tells Toothless, who only gives him an eyeroll. "Elsa would've loved seeing the stars up close again."

Hiccup was about to fall asleep to imaginating Elsa's soft embrace when he felt his body slowly falling off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Toothless' eyes have gone fierce as the dragon shoots himself back to the ground like an asteroid coming from space. "Toothless, what are you doing!?" Hiccup holds on to the handle, trying to slow his dragon down but failed.

They've descended a couple of meters down, and it was then Toothless had stopped when a massive fleet of ships are heading for North, where Arendelle was.

"What the-" Hiccup freezes after seeing the colors all the boats are flying. It looks like it belongs to a monarchic country still similar to Arendelle. "Toothless, go back to the castle. We need to warn the others!"

Toothless does so.

~ ¤ ~


As the whole population of the castle have drifted off to their sleeps, Jack sets foot outside Elsa's bedroom. The windows were locked so seeing Elsa up close was limited. Watching from outside the window floating, Jack lets out a tiny smile at Elsa's stilled and sleeping body.

He reminisced watching instead the little girl who he always mistook as the baby sister he once lost. Elsa wasn't like this back then. Elsa before always wears a big smile and never misses to feel wanderlust.

It shocked him how Elsa changed completely after the death of her parents. Truth is, he never left Arendelle.

He was always there, but perhaps Elsa was so busy making depression over her powers and her parents' death, especially the guilt she has been carrying after she struck her sister with her powers by accident, that she must've forgotten him, and so he became invisible.

Jack placed his palm flat against the window lightly with a frown, his snow-kissed skin shining from the full moon's powerful light.

He heard a yawning roar of a dragon from the stables, and the disappointed face of his brother comes in mind. Jack almost laughed replaying the 'awful' kissing scene he had witnessed.

Two POVs at the same time 😅😧

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