❄ ten

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"Jack!" Elsa comes running to the Guardian, as he scoops her up to a hug as though she was light as a teddy bear.

Images of little Elsa race around Jack's mind. He couldn't believe it, she's finally a woman now. After years of waiting, she's finally perfect for him.

"So good to see you again." Jack chuckles as he cups the back of her head.

At a distance or even at a feet away, you can almost think they're twins because of their similar color of hair and supernatural ability, though they're not.

"What're you doing here?" Elsa says after hopping out of his hold. He was wearing a navy blue hoodie as usual. The only thing that's new is his cane is nowhere to be seen.

"Thought It'd be a good idea to give you a visit." He says.

"A visit? Why not stay here forever?"

He scoffs at her. "I'm afraid I can't afford that." Elsa sticks out the folded tissue paper and tosses it at him. Gladly he caught it.

"I got your message." Elsa smiles at herself.

"Oh, yeah?" Jack quickly throws the tissue to the air and it spirals, transforming into a rain of snowflakes. "Have you learn to control your powers yet?"


"Good, good. Can you show some tricks for me, princess?"

Elsa taps her foot gently on the brittle flooring of the treehouse, Ice spreads throughout."Correction: Queen Elsa."

Jack gives her a slow applause and makes a respectful bow. "Oh, apologies, Your Highness."

"Apology accepted."

"Elsa!" Anna's voice booms from outside. "Are you in there or something?"

"Well, that's the signal. BRB." Jack quickly disappears with a blink of Elsa's eyes.

Elsa sneaks out through the back door as her sister comes through the front. Anna shouldn't be here. She needs not to know about her secret hideout, especially Jack.

"Elsa?" As Anna is still inside the abandoned treehouse, Elsa makes a run for it through the only path that leads to the exit.

Elsa was so busy keeping an eye behind her that she felt her body collide against another harder one. She was bumped by a horse.

General Rorke, riding the horse, takes a peak at whom who've attacked his horse. "I found the Queen!" He shouts. Royal guards began huddling from different directions.

Elsa groans as she accepts a helping hand of one of the guards. "My Lady, where have you been?" The guard asks softly, but Elsa chose not to answer. It's all too personal.

Rubbing her head, Elsa averts her gaze to the general who's still mounted on his horse and gives him a mad look. "Where have you been, Rorke?" She almost yelled.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for my delay. We got lost when we arrived in the Northern Mountains."

"You were expected a week ago!"

"I am really really sorry." He begs, but still doesn't hop out of his horse.

Keeping her anger cold, Elsa pushes the urge to stab an ice through the general's heart. Rorke and the whole military needs not to know about her abilities, or they might choose to betray and use it against her. She knows Rorke can't be trusted. But since he's been General even before Elsa became queen, Elsa stifles to fire him.

"Give Queen Elsa a horse to ride on." Rorke commands.

A white horse with beautiful silver hair is then sent to Elsa. "I prefer to ride your horse, Rorke." Elsa smirks, getting weirded faces from everyone, especially from Rorke himself. "Now get off."

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