Just Two Gals and a Space Ship

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"So I've got another partial lead," Ahsoka Tano began. 

"That's what you said last time, and that turned out to be a total flop," Sabine Wren raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, but this one's solid," Ahsoka offered a convincing smile. 

"Alright, spill," the Mandalorian turned her chair around and leaned back, folding her arms.

It had been a few months since Sabine had left with the older Jedi in search of her old friend Ezra Bridger, who had disappeared during the Battle of Lothal. The last thing she had heard from him was from a hologram: "I can't wait to come home."

He hadn't come home. Even with the Empire falling to pieces after the Battle of Endor, Ezra Bridger was still missing. Sabine had taken it upon herself to look for him with the help of Ahsoka Tano.

So here they were, just two gals and space ship, looking for a lost boy. It was harder than it sounded, searching for one person in a giant galaxy, especially since the civil war between the Empire and the Rebellion's New Republic was still waging.

"My contact is a scrapper who got his hands on information from the wreck of an Imperial ship after one of the battles," Ahsoka said. "He said he'll be willing to share with us in return for running a job for him."

Sabine let out a groan. "It can't just be handed to us, can it?"

"He promises its good," Ahsoka added convincingly.

"If I had a penny for everybody who came up with information and promised it was good-" Sabine began, holding up a finger.

"Yeah, you'd be rich," Ahsoka hid a smile. "Are you in or not?"

"What's the job?" Sabine got to her feet, cracking her neck. No matter how much she protested, she would never turn down any possible intel on Ezra. She had to find him no matter what.

"Its simple, thank goodness," the Togruta started. "All he wants is safe transportation off the planet to one of the New Republic's safe planets so he can start over again."

"Huh. You're right, simple. For once," Sabine stretched. "Alright, lets get to it."

She settled herself into the pilot's seat. "You got the coordinates?"

"Plugging them in," Ahsoka sat down in the co-pilot chair. "Ready for Hyperspace."

"Lets go find ourselves a scrapper," Sabine punched the lever that sent the ship into Hyperspace.

L e s t r i o n  

Lestrion, a scrapper's haven. Villages built in and from scrap yards. Many wrecks of both Rebellion and Imperial ships lay scattered all over the planet's surface after the Battle of Lestrion that left the planet free from Imperial rule but not quite under the control of the New Republic either.

Here's where we'll find our scrapper, Sabine Wren thought as she flew the ship down into the planet's atmosphere.

"Our set meeting coordinates are already plugged into the database," Ahsoka stood up from her chair. 

"Good to know," Sabine was already following them down onto the planet. Their ship skimmed past scrap heaps and wreckage. Not a very ideal place to live.

"His name is Rogmi," Ahsoka filled the Mandalorian in. 

"Don't really care about his name, but alright," Sabine shook her head. "This guy better have info on Ezra. I'm pretty sick of chasing rumors."

Ahsoka smiled lightly. "You worry too much. Wherever Ezra is, I'm sure he's fine."

"Right. He's Ezra," Sabine gently landed the ship down. "Anyways, we're here. Ready to meet your Roger?"

"Rogmi," Ahsoka chuckled and shook her head. "Lets go pick up our scrapper."


? ? ?

An occasional scream echoed distantly. He kept his eyes shut through it, legs crossed, deep in meditation.

"Ready to play, little monk?" the taunting, familiar voice filled the cell.

He cracked a small smile but didn't open his eyes. "Whatever tides you over."

A/N: double update for this fic because I'm honestly excited ahhh

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